Think ive changed...can see it quite a bit laterly.PLEASE!!

by angel eyes 116 Replies latest social family

  • flipper

    JOOKBEARD- I'm not going to reveal details of a private mail. That's why they call it a private mail.

    But I will say not to just you Jookbeard, but everybody here needs to just re-read her initial thread she started here and get back to answering her question as to her seeing inconsistencies in the witnesses - is it a good thing or bad thing for her - or is it Satan hindering her or is she re-educating her mind ? I believe that's all she intended to get insight on here. She wasn't looking to be judged , not looking to be doubted .

    Look - She is just a typical JW who is exploring her boundaries - whether she is a really active witness, or an inactive witness - what the hell does it matter ? Who made us God $hitting on the earth's toilet ? I mean- everybody finds out their answers in their own way and time. The way she is discovering hers might be different than how some discovered theirs- but who cares ? It's a non-issue. I'm just being honest- think folks need to chill a bit

  • OnTheWayOut
    omtheway out i can see why your no longer in....yes i pioneer..i have seen how many on here,likeyou arent truly happy with being away from the truth and thats what helps me to see that leaving wouldnt give me happiness.

    I, first of all, never left the truth. I left the lies. I continue to seek truth wherever I can. I am getting happier and happier all the time, but went through some depression after learning that WTS had twisted the truth and I fell for it for 2 decades. I still have some depression for two reasons:

    1. My wife and mother (and others not quite as close) are still being manipulated by the dangerous mind-control cult.

    2. I had serious issues that I never faced from over 20 years ago. I never faced them because I thought I learned that the end was so near and I wouldn't have to face my issues. Jehovah would soon make me perfect and gave me a purpose until then. Once I learned that wasn't true, the issues were still there waiting.

    Leaving the lies doesn't automatically give happiness. But believing a lie doesn't provide happiness either. If it does, doesn't the Catholic or Protestant or Hindu living his lie deserve to be left alone? Why would JW's come and insist that only JW's have the truth and make that person miserable? It's the same as you insisting you are in "the truth" to me.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Angel Eyes has the impression that all EX-JWS are unhappy people while its quite the opposite, we found out the truth

    about this false corrupt business/religion and we're happily and emphatically telling everyone including Angels Eyes about it,

    so that no one else makes the mistake that we endured, call it an endearment to humanity if you will.

    PS Is it only just me thinking that JWS are coming here to get in their hours of service, nice and comfy in front of their computers ?

    If thats true thats really quite sick

  • Farkel


    : I wanted to put this out there to see who really are worthy of being heard..

    What a judgmental JW twit you are. Everyone is worthy of being heard.

    From your comments it seems obvious that "worthy of being heard" to you means, "saying something I agree with."


  • isaacaustin

    2-0 Yanks Jeter a hr

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Thankyou flipper and for your wife

    nice to have understanding ones on the forum, thats what this forum is all about :)

  • sacolton

    Why do JWs think that leaving a man-made organization means leaving God? Does the Watchtower have monopoly on God? AngelEyes, if you were born Mormon, you would believe that the Mormon church is the "truth". If you were born Catholic, you would listen and believe whatever the Pope had to say. It's all in your upbringing.

    Here is what GOD has said about religion:

    James 1:27

    Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

    Now, compare that scripture to what your religion teaches. Does the Watchtower take care of orphans and widows? Does the Watchtower give to charities that feed and home orphans and widows? Does the Watchtower do any community work to aid orphans and widows? How about the homeless? The truth is the Watchtower does none of this and never has. They only take care of their Governing Body and their own buildings.

  • AllTimeJeff

    AE, you like all of us, live in your own little world. I have mine, you have yours, we all do....

    Thus, I am not offended by the fact that concerns of a personal nature matter to you. (its a little bit self involved, but I was like you once on that score... but I changed) Since JWN is a part of my little world that I include in my life, I feel I can share the following observations with you, as you openly put matters in your little world on here for public consumption.

    You seem very confused, and very ill informed about Jehovah's Witnesses. Others, because of your teflon coated ability to have logical thoughts bounce off you, have tried to label you as a troll, etc. I am glad that Simon has stopped that.

    But that doesn't give you free reign to make this forum different from what it clearly is. You say

    nice to have understanding ones on the forum, thats what this forum is all about :)

    And I agree. I for one understand those who have been tragically hurt, and permanently altered thanks to being part of this cult you are in. Because the GB has demonized the internet, and strongly implies that JW's are to stay away from internet discussions about JW's (hell, JW's can't even have private bible studies without the exclusive use of WT literature) your musings draw a definite crowd here because of your claims to being a JW. To that, you are entitled to represent yourself however you like. But typically, what you say about how Jehovah's Witnesses live and believe is very wrong, and that is why there is such anger directed to you at times.

    This thread is different from what you normally put out there. If there is one thing internet forums are very useful for, it is that our words and opinions are there for all to see.

    Like all of us AE, you have consequences for what you write. This forum is not run by Jehovah's Witnesses for Jehovah's Witnesses. This forum is about the discussion of Jehovah's Witnesses. As I already said, since JW's are taught to stay away, few will come here. When they do, they do it Nicodemus style, under the cover of night. They don't need the trouble of announcing they are here and potentially get in trouble.

    Has it ever occurred to you, have you ever noticed, that not a single Jehovah's Witness has ever supported you, while instead, you have been contradicted at almost every turn regarding your presentation of Jehovah's Witness lifestyle and dogma? It doesn't matter to me what your opinion of this little fact is, but it's a great question to ask yourself: Where are my brothers and sisters to defend me? Why am I the only one who says the things I do? If JW's are allowed on the internet, then where are my brothers and sisters?

    Your views have been publically dis-proven, and you have been tacitly thrown under the bus by the deafening silence of your brothers and sisters.

    So why do I write this on a tread where you say that you are changing? And then ask

    But i really believe that due to things that have badly and wrongly been allowed to take place etc its moulded me a little different to how I was. Unsure if thats a good thing or not? Am i being misled by satan or has it been a re moulding for the better.

    ...followed by

    Did any of you feel like this before leaving? (hope not, never want to leave) but just want to have serious answers really asking as a friend...please :)

    then I am merely taking you up on your invitation for a very serious answer. Your own words tell me that you are very confused and ill informed as to what a proper JW does. You certainly talk like a JW. Yet, you fail to "get" that your presented lifestyle is not something any JW or former JW can relate to. To put it bluntly, if I could have stayed a pioneer or elder and posted about my true feelings on the internet, do you think I would have left? Hell no! But I couldn't point out that the king had no clothes on, and so I resigned before they could fire me. (that is one piece of advice I give to you...)

    But you say you are changing. You certainly don't need the permission of anyone here to do so.

    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that to follow your own heart is to give into Satanic influence, so personally, from the JW point of view, you are being influenced by Satan.

    And I am serious as a heart attack when I say that.

    How you choose to look at yourself therefore is the ultimate test for you. "We" on JWN ultimately don't matter. You are the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror each day, deal with the fact that your thoughts could possibly be influenced by "satan", or perhaps realize that like any person, you simply have the right to be you, to occupy your own space, and have your own thoughts.

    That challenge is up to you. But you don't need to be a JW to be who you really are. As those who happily are no longer JW's due to the falsehoods this cult teaches can gladly attest to, our changes for the better included leaving this destructive cult. Where your life takes you is ultimately in your hands, and to a large degree, the success of your life will depend on how honest you can be with yourself.

    "You can lead a horse to water....."

  • jookbeard

    very good point Sacolton, the only problem is the AE probably wont read it or answer it, the hurricane Katrina showed the WTS in the true light of what they really are, ie the nothing only to help fellow Dubs and K/H's they do nothing for homeless/charity/social care/inner city deprivation/assisting the Red Cross/Children in Need/Famine Appeals in Africa etc they show themselves up to be what they really are, a High Control dangerous Cult. Their conduct and behaviour often sickens me

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    thanks sacolton, yes they do help in many areas. They rebuild homes in many lands, they help those who have food shortages too...there is only so much they can do and they do have a part in helping as best they can :)


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