Does our little crusade matter to the world?

by sleepy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    I guess it doesn't matter too much to the world. The JWs would argue differently of course! They view that the world is against them etc. etc. and Satan is manipulating the nations to cause 'mischeif by decree' Ps 94.20.

    I wouldn't call it a crusade! But there is a conflict and we are winning!


  • anewperson

    What I think is you'd like to steer us away from publicising the WTS's coverup policy regarding child molestation by sewing doubts that doing so will have an impact and is good. To which I say, nuts.

  • flower

    have you ever watched Dateline NBC? i used to watch it a lot. i've seen stories done on there that dont come close to comparing to some of our lives but yet a national news show felt they warrented national publicity. yes it matters and YES the world should be interested.


  • Bang

    If one person finds comfort by coming to understand that it's not their fault, but they've simply been the target of liars, then it becomes a joy doesn't it?

    Well, I'm sure I've read at least one such story.
    - and I've never been a jw, but it matters to me to know that there are some real people there also, that I shouldn't despair of them all.


  • Celtic

    Maybe in some parts of the world more than others but here in the UK, not one jot my friend? Its just another lil issue amongst a million others.

    I know, sad but true.

    Wey up!! To the jollification of it all!!


  • sleepy

    "What I think is you'd like to steer us away from publicising the WTS's coverup policy regarding child molestation by sewing doubts that doing so will have an impact and is good. To which I say, nuts."


  • Magneto

    I was raised to believe that when you see someone in touble, or being misguided, or taken by someone who has little concern for thier spiritual/physical/emotional well being, you must take action. That person must be helped and then taught to help others who suffer under the thumb of an opressor. I find it interesting as well, that for a "religion" formed and grown in America, they find no respect or support of those who would die to protect thier right to practice said "religion." I find myself coming more and more to the conclusion that they must be dealt with, immediatley. I seek to discredit them and maybe in some small way bring thier dubious actions to light. My personal goal is the spiritual liberation of my loving girlfriend (an un-baptised JW congregation member,) and her poor misguided mother (a full fledged JW.) Thier relationship is being strained by these manipulative animals, and her mother blames me for trying to corrupt her daughter's "christianity." Naturally they use the armageddon tactic to frighten and scare my girlfriend and her mother to stay in line. I can only imagine how many countless others are also stripped of thier freedoms of choice out of the fear induced by these emotionally abusive tyrants. Thusly, I am now actively seeking any and all information anyone can provide and The Watchtowers structure. More so, I am also entertaining machinations that will allow for a deeper understanding of how things work in the Watchtower building....speciafically security measures, data storage facilities shift changes etc. Documentation is key here friends.If they are truly entwined in business dealings that contradict what they teach thier helpless brainwashed followers then hardcopy evidence must exist, failing that, some manner of electronic storage must exist. It is my desire and goal to obtain said information. and use it to expose the morally corrupt organization for what it is. Not only do I desire the liberation of my girlfriend and her mother from the chain of lies that they are tethered to The WTS with, I seek freedom for the countless others including and specifically the helpless children left to fend for themselves against malicious sexual predators. I want them done, gone. Little more then a fading stain on the tapestry of time. I would of course welcome allies in my crusade, but as quickly I would be compelled to loose my vengeful attention to those who would impede our progress as well.


  • badolputtytat

    Look at it this way

    If your mother was trapped inside a burning building and you were trying to rescue her... only she chained herself to the support beam... would you not try to cut that chain? or would you leave her to her own decisions?

  • teejay

    I doubt it. Other people have their problems, too. Why would they care all that much about ours, too?

    I tend to think that most of them wonder why some of us are still whining after being out so long.

  • heathen

    I tend to scrutinize all religions and classify them as cults . This site is most informitive about the WT as far as what motivates the doctrinal changes that are always referred to as new light from God .I haven't seen sleepy around in awhile and realize this is an old thread but an interesting question .I really don't think that the people in the WT will change their midset over the blood issue and politics regardless of what sites like these accuse them of .I even think the WT had some valid points on the trinity and hellfire also they believe the bible was tampered with so I don't have a problem with some of the belief structure . If people did take the time to look into that kind of stuff they may realize that they have been lied to by the world religious leaders and quit being a misled victim of these cults .

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