"Faithful & discreet" NUMEROLOGY

by Nathan Natas 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    - from The WATCH TOWER, February 15, 1925, page 54.

  • JWoods

    "apparantly there is some particular significance attached to it" - well no duh! We have ten fingers, don't we?

    And, then the author bravely plows right on to amplify that into the 1925 jubilee year prophecy. "Doubtless it also applies to years".

    I imagine that if you told this to a witness at your door this weekend, they would think it was an apostate lie made up to discredit the society.

  • PSacramento

    Isn't numerology "satanic"?

  • JWoods
    Isn't numerology "satanic"?

    Apparantly. Doubtless the number 666 is satanic. With a scientific calculator you can prove this - use the trig functions to calculate the value [sin 666' + cos(6 x 6 x 6)'] The number obtained will be a good representation of the irrational number phi. Phi is the ratio of long to short elements in the pentagram. Did you know that Ronald Reagan's address in California was at one time 666 St. Cloud Road? They changed it to 668 because Nancy was well aware of it's mystical dangers. The mysterious briefcase in the movie "Pulp Fiction" had the combination 666. I have other proofs, but how many does the thinking Christian Witness of Jehovah need?

  • PSacramento

    I meant isn't numerology like astrology and other "witchcraft" like stuff?

    Doesn't the bible warn against that stuff?

  • JWoods
    Doesn't the bible warn against that stuff?

    I guess it depends on who is doing the witchcraft...for example, the high priest of Judah had these things called the Urrim and the Thummim (sp?) which were more or less like divinely guided dice. They would cast them and divine answers to various questions. This has never to my knowledge been anywhere near adequately explained by the straight-laced society.

    Saul summoned a witch at one point (and there did not seem to be much of any negative context about it).

    And, of course, there really are a lot of other numerological references in the bible.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    PSacremento is right on track!

    Consider the International Bible Students Association VOW:

    A Vow Unto the Lord

    Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. May Thy rule come into my heart more and more, and Thy will be done in my mortal body. Relying on the assistance of Thy promised grace to help in every time of need, through Jesus Christ our Lord, I register this Vow.

    Daily will I remember at the Throne of Heavenly Grace the general interests of the harvest work, and particularly the share which I myself am privileged to enjoy in that work, and the dear co-laborers everywhere.

    I vow to still more carefully, if possible, scrutinize my thoughts and words and doings, to the intent that I may be the better enabled to serve Thee,and Thy dear flock.

    I vow to Thee that I will be on the alert to resist everything akin to Spiritism and Occultism, and, remembering that there are but the two masters, I shall resist these snares in all reasonable ways as being of the adversary.

    I further vow, that with the exceptions below, I will at all times and in all places, conduct myself toward those of the opposite sex in private exactly as I would do with them in public -- in the presence of a congregation of the Lord's people.

    And, so far as reasonably possible, I will avoid being in the same room with any of the opposite sex alone, unless the door to the room stand wide open.

    Exceptions in the case of Brethren -- wife, children, mother and natural sisters: in the case of Sisters -- husband, children, father and natural brothers.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They sure do make a big thing over what numbers mean. 3,6,7,10 all mean something to them. Kinda like a secret puzzle. Interesting at first, boring when you realize it is a lot of hooey.

  • trueblue

    It has been so long sense I have given it any thought about wheather numerology was wrong but I remember some about like astrology or the likings that your individual horoscope is worded so that it could fit into any experience that you may incounter and people actually beleive that it was a fortune been told. Then I seen People do the wee gee board (I can't spell good sometimes) I noticed the same thing. It is worded so it fits just about anything that may happen and providing that you really beleive in it. But there really is not anything of value.

    I don't know if I am coming across what I am trying to say, but I think it to be wrong to put your trust in it. It is empty

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I post this only to demonstrate the idiotic hypocrisy of The WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY and their followers.

    From one side of its mouth, the WTB&TS makes sounds like "AVOID THE OCCULT" and then from the other side of their mouth they talk about the special (occult) significance of certain numbers, times, dates, distances, etc.

    Personally, I'm an atheist. I do not believe there is a heavenly realm populated by any kinds of creatures. I don't believe that the occult holds any real power, other than in the imaginations of superstitious and ignorant people.

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