Have been looking for any other references other than in the book of Revelation of Christ's 1000 year reign. If any exist I haven't been able to find them so either one doesn't exist or I am brain dead over this issue. Any help will be much appreciated. tks in advance.
millenial reign
by ssn587 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just off the top of my head (where the nits live) I do not think there is another reference to a !,000 year reign, plenty to say He will reign for ever and ever.
tks for the info, I like you can't recal either, off the top of my head where nothing resides hair either.
Well, since Christ started reigning after his ressurection according to Matthew, over 1900 years have gone by so I don't think a 1000 year reign means much anymore.
Deputy Dog
If you are premillenial the 1,000 years start at His return
His return to where? Heaven? Earth? Florida? New jersey ??
Ok, I know New jersey is a long shot.
Deputy Dog
jonathan dough
Catholic view according to the Catholic New American Bible (NAB).
Like other numerical values in this book, the thousand years are not to be taken literally; they symbolize the long period of time between the chaining up of Satan (a symbol for Christ's resurrection victory over death and the forces of evil) and the end of the world. During this time God's people share in the glorious reign of God that is present to them by virtue of their baptismal victory over death and sin; cf Rom 6, 1-8; Jn 5, 24-25; 16, 33; 1 Jn 3,14; Eph 2,1. (NAB, note Rev. 20:1-6)
Deputy Dog
If I can get out of New Jersey, I'm half way home
Well, if according to the WT a years is like a day, then 1000 years is realy 1000 days, or if a day is like a year than 1000 years is 365000 years !!
Of course IF 1000 years is just 1000 years then 1914 means nothing...oh my, it boggles the mind !
But since Jesus stated in Matthew that ALL authority in heaven and earth HAD been given to him I guess thatm at least according to Jesus, he was ruling already, maybe he didn't get the memo from the GB.