how do I cut and paste the text from someone elses posts into the white box?
Thanks (I'm not very technical)
by Newborn 22 Replies latest jw friends
how do I cut and paste the text from someone elses posts into the white box?
Thanks (I'm not very technical)
Mr. Doe is perfect as we all know
I see your education is progressing nicely.
how do I cut and paste the text from someone elses posts into the white box?
Thanks (I'm not very technical)
like that?
Yes like that
Only calls drunk on Saturday nights???
Reminds me of a joke:
This man in this bar orders a drink, drinks it and looks in his shirt pocket, then says "Bartender give me another drink"
The man drinks again and looks in his shirt pocket again, then says "Batender give me another drink"
He does this several times before the batender asks the man "Why do you look in your shirt pocket before you order another drink?"
The man replies "I have a picture of my wife in my shirt pocket and when she looks good enough to me then I go home."
Seriously Sweet-Heart,
There are a lot of scammers and internet sluts out there so be careful...
I hope you did the WebCam and checked things out, and if he asks for any money (no matter how convincing) 99.9 percent, it is a scam
Yes like that
Use your mouse to select what you want to copy, left click and select copy - material is now saved. Go to where you want tp post it and left click mouse and select paste - you may be asked to agree to that - material is now in your post. Select again and go to Box above marked
styleschoose 'quote'.
Some thoughts:
I'd suggest you restrain your definition of "player" to one who actively decieves in a sociopathic manner. There is no one "correct" way for relatonships to proceed. There is an incorrect time to expect commitment, however. One can never hold in one's feelings - and often one's partner will mirror the effects. It's OK for people to want different things out of dating. In the absence of deceit or the violation of a spoken agreement, the pejorative does not reflect most men who simply have different goals. In your dating pool, there may be a sharp split of guys who (A) Are divorced and don't particularly want another serious relationship (B) May be overly needy and really want to get married soon.
Being attracted to unnavailable men is something that is natural in young women and those inexperienced in the dating world. If it persists and you "just aren't attracted to nice guys" I'd recommend some talk therapy to work through it.
I like fast paced party girls. I know they're crazy in the coconut. I restrain my expectations because I know I can't have it both ways. The problem lies with me doing the choosing - it isn't a problem with "women in general."
Yes, that's accurate and it's good to learn how to watch people's actions. JW's tend to put too much stock in what people say and have been trained to deaden and mistrust their own gut. Listen to your gut!
I've learned that guys can be very cowardly when it comes to be honest abt their feelings and intentions (not all though) - Mr. Doe is perfect as we all know, hehe |
I think you should try and embrace the view that relatively few people are being actively decietful. It's erroneous to think that people have a clear concept of their long term goals at any given moment. What is better - to be reserved about your current feelings (knowing they can change) or to be always expressive but frequently changing? In reality, what one feels is going to change based on the other persons behavior. Most people swing wildly throughout the day between thoughts of "I should get out of this!" to "Maybe I should make this work?" Try to have a balanced view of what information you are entitled to - what is necessary for you to make your decisions and be happy.
There are very few "terrible" people and very few "great" ones. Most of us are shades of grey - capable of good things and bad things in our choices and in need of a great deal of compromise, tolerance and understanding.
I've learned that I'd rather stay single than being with the wrong person |
Truer words have never been spoken! If you can't be happy alone, you probably can't be happy with others.
Every X-JW should spend a long period of time being single (casually dating) and forming their own strong identity, likes, dislikes and life experiences. Most leave the Org with the tendency to define themselves through their relationships with others. This is not healthy and it will destroy good relationships.
trueblue, thanks for the joke and your concern
I assure you that I'm always very careful and cautious and I hope I don't have to internet date anymore.
I see your education is progressing nicely.
Doe, have I boosted your ego enough now??
Thanks for your post. As I said, I think I've learned the lesson not to fall for wrong guys but as I also said it's been a good experience for me. With players I mean guys who are not honest about their intentions. They would save a lot of heart ache if they'd have the guts to be more open and honest. I'd rather hear the blunt truth than being ignored. Ignoring isn't nice.