People are people and doesn't matter what religion or not - and exjw or jw doesn't make a difference IMO. Not so good JWs put on a show when around other JWs and similar personality exjw is still not any better but doesn't have to fake it.
1. Having bible knowledge doesn't mean accurate knowledge since many things can be interpreted in many ways but only thing you possess is that you have more power to support your belief even though you may be wrong.
2. I think I knew several elders that didn't have people skills but enjoyed their position. People outside of wts have people skills so what?
3. Most active religious people are so called caring and it's not like wts makes people better, as most religious people tend to be. As for a little misguided? JWs are totally misguided as most of what wts is pure nonsense. WTS teaches their flock to be as dumb as possible in both their own religious history as well as in "worldly" education. WTS decieves their flock in believing that they will have the whole world by just following the teachings of the gb, doesn't get more misguided than that!
4. I don't know about you but how many witnesses do you know that can sit down and question and reason their own teachings? Most are taught that they know the best way while all others are wrong so most likely you have ability at fault finding in others other than yourself. The WTS way.
5. exjw also could vary in nature. There are those of us who learned the truth about the cult and we move on but there are thousands of exjw who still have the wts belief in their heads and think that any day now they will get destroyed. Many of these people have screwed up outlook on life, these ones may view themselves unworthy and may do stupid things general people may not do.
I think what you're realizing is that there is a life outside of wts that is normal and is not as evil as wts potrays it. You'll see many good qualities in people that are on par and/or better than jws and they had no wts programming and can relate to real world in a better way than many within the wts grasp.