It's the usual formulaic speel we have been subjected to for decades. It is the same junk they will be regurgitating in another 20 years time.
by Girlie 79 Replies latest watchtower bible
Oh what a stupid man the Samuel Herd. If only he understood Matt 24...
He said:
Here in the 24th chapter of Matthew Jesus said something that certainly ought to catch our attention because it is a marker. It tells us where we are and what we should be doing. Beginning with verse 21 of Matthew chapter 24 Jesus said, "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the worlds beginning until now, no, nor will occur again, in fact, unless those days were cut short no flesh would be saved. But on account of the chosen ones, those days will be cut short." And then Jesus goes on to add other mile posts, he says first as you make your dash to the finish; you're going to see a thing called the great tribulation. He said this thing is going to be horrendous. And unless it's cut short absolutely no one would be able to survive it, because it0s going to be just that bad.
Immediately, he says in verse 29, let your eye go to verse 29, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." See, that's another marker. And quickly you come upon another marker (verse 30), "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (verse 31) And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to the other extremity."
My reply: He quotes verse 31- after the tribulation of those days Jesus will gather his elect...those who are faithful and wise. Not in 1919. Poor lost soul.
Cantleave, yeah it is nothing new...same old garbage...theat elusive JW paradise...
Herd said:
Can you imagine the confusion of the people who put all their stock and faith in the religious clergy only to see them destroyed at the opening of the great tribulation? Can you imagine people walking around the streets looking for whoever might be left of the religious clergy? Looking for them yes! "We want to find you because you know we had a chance to get a bible study, a 19 free week course, and you told us that those Jehovah's Witnesses are not to be fooled with. And you told us that all we had to do was to come down here and sit and listen to you and we'd be saved. And now the church is gone and it's all burned up and this stuff is gone and we don't have a prayer and we don't have a chance, and you fooled us!" And they are going to finish off who is left.
My reply: LOL Yeah I am sure the world will be lamenting they didn't follow the JWs. hahahaha Is this guy serious?? I know he is, thats the sad thing.
Scarred for life
I heard this exact same talk in 1973 shortly before I stopped going to meetings and never returned.
Yeah same crap they were preaching when I was a kid...and everyone else on here too
the end, the end of the end, the last days, the final part of the last days, the finish line,...1914, 1915, 1925, 1940's, 1975, beofre the 1914 generation dies out, any day now, any day now, any day now....
This is amazing..I know that the source is unverified, but you could not make this stuff up : Some lowest points : -
"If you pay real close attention the stage is already being set for that.. Already they have no compulsion whatsoever about putting the religious clergy in jail. They have no sanctity or feeling toward the religious clergy; they are cutting and slashing them in the face in New York . Thieves are breaking into the convents and churches and robbing them, nuns are being raped. They're even breaking into churches and robbing them, they're robbing preachers on the streets. So the appetite to attack Babylon is already there"
He can find no more evidence for the impending destruction of Bab the G, then street crime in New York ? amazing! Hardly what we called in the Min School "Convincing argument"
"Can you imagine people walking around the streets looking for whoever might be left of the religious clergy? Looking for them yes! "We want to find you because you know we had a chance to get a bible study, a 19 free week course, and you told us that those Jehovah's Witnesses are not to be fooled with."
Oh Boy - Imagination....
You will not be able to say to Jesus, "Oh ,Jesus, just wait a minute, I'm disfellowshipped; but let me get reinstated," Oh no, Oh no! You see all the evidence will have been brought into the court as to who you are and what you are as a person. And once he sits down, you will not be able to change your record, not one iota!
So you can say, "Well, Jesus, you know I was an irregular publisher, give me a little time, let me." NO! "I meant to turn my." NO!
OK They may say that the d/f'd are to roast at the big A, but irregular publishers too???
Christ was not anywhere near the world; if Christ were here today do you imagine that he would be walking around in baggy pants or with earrings in his ear?
So he can speak for Christ, can he? People always imagine Jesus being exactly like THEM. In my young day we were criticized for tight trousers and our dads wore "baggy pants"
Sometimes in traveling about, and I am not trying to make any judgments, but sometimes I see those who claim to be of the anointed not representing anything that I've seen of the anointed. Sometimes they're the biggest troublemakers in the congregation.
This was interesting, bash the "new anointed" after they on the G B have opened the call up again
Oh, what a wonderful time that will be brothers! If you and I have worked hard, if we have exerted ourselves, if we have cooperated then you can say to yourself, "You know I'm glad I used all my money to pay for the Kingdom Hall,
This was disgusting ! What has donating MONEY got to do with salvation? I never thought they would stoop so low as to say this .....
Recycling is one thing WT is good at - heard all this in the 60's 70's and on and on.....many of the people who were "runners" that I knew have passed away with no reward, no prize, fortunately the carrot of the resurrection is there to deceive those who are in this race. The race for life with the WT is just a treadmill of continual pressure and emotional blackmail....but sadly it still works for many. I am so glad that we (as a family) quit the race and created our own finishing line....quit the pressure and all the constant push to "do more" (but not study more - we do that for you)
Once that sign of the Son of Man appears in the heavens, where Jesus sits down on his glorious throne, He (Jesus) will judge you and I at that point in history as to whether or not you are actually a sheep or a goat. You and I will not be able to adjust or modify or rearrange the outcome of that judgment at that particular time.
You will not be able to say to Jesus, "Oh ,Jesus, just wait a minute, I'm disfellowshipped; but let me get reinstated," Oh no, Oh no! You see all the evidence will have been brought into the court as to who you are and what you are as a person. And once he sits down, you will not be able to change your record, not one iota!
He makes Jesus sound like a cosmic Judge Roy Bean.
Open mind
No guilt or fear being used here. No sirreee.
It's all about the L-O-V-E.