That is hilarious, AE. Be sure to tell them that you printed it off from an APOSTATE WEBSITE. How do you know it's not just a bunch of scurrilous lies and blasphemy since it didn't come directly from the pages of the Watchtower?
by Girlie 79 Replies latest watchtower bible
I seem to remeber a Wt article about not accepting the writings put forth as from the org off of websites not endorsed by the WT. But that ridiculous post gave me a good laugh. Seems like childish games are beginning...perhaps a new sandbox to play in would be in order.
I'm out
Two things about this struck me...1. It is the "nations" who are going to turn against religions, not "The United Nations". Um...let me guess, kinda dangerous to say that the UN is going to do that NOW that the whole NGO thing came out into the open and there are still WT corporations associated with the UN, and 2. All the examples given had to do with the U.S. and Christianity. Last time I checked, non-christian religions were much larger and had much more influence on current world affairs than christianity.
I hope lots of people see clearly a fear-mongering and slightly insane talk if you are at all rational and not deluded.
Right behind ya, IA.
"Don't feed the trolls"
peacedog, check your pm...
angel eyes
wouldnt be lies....its too encouraging and upbuilding :)
Just remember, this talk was actually given in the 70's when good Ol' Sammy was a CO. See my earlier post for the audio, it's the exact same talk word for word.
I've printed off a few now, gave three to sisters and thinking of giving one to a friend whos thinking of having a study. The finishing line is in sight......
Hey AE, just so you dont stumble your studies - that picture is of Bush and Gore, is from the 2000 Presidential Election, and was printed in the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR
When I was 9, I was told I would be riding "very soon" the elephants, lions, etc - 53 years ago!
Outlaw,,thanks for that cartoon,,I'll share with our ex-JW Meetup group tonight!!