can we name them all i wonder?
Superstitions of JW's
by highdose 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
if you read apostate material you will become an apostate. oh wait.....nm.
Antique or second hand items, smurfs, churches, religious literature, rock music, and scary movies are demonized.
Here they are:
goody... another 'list' thread... may I?... (dont know why I just asked- I'am going to anyway)
- Smurfs are posessed and satan is there leader
- Masturbating will turn you homosexual
- "worldly" music is how satan communicates with his smurfs and fellow apostates
- If you dont preach till you drop you wont see paradise
- Reading into the history of the Org will make you loose your faith
- If women dont 'cover' their head while praying out loud infront of a baptized male they wont see paradise
- Holding your spouses hand while at the KH will corrupt others and make them sexcrazed beasts that will worship satan........
Some more:
saying 'bless you' when someone sneezes invites demons into your home
having magazines with horoscopes in them, lying around the house invites demons into your home
watching anything remotely demonic, spiritistic, involving 'angels' on tv invites demons into your home
I knew an old sister who would never knock a door three times - it would represent the trinity!!!!!!!!!!
angel eyes
cant think of any.....i use to be superstitious before i was a jw, but nope, not now. Dont think many people are these days,all old myths.
biknis! immoral... the garbe of the devil! oooh! and red nail varnish al la babylon the great in the revelation book
Birthdays are bad because two in the Bible resulted in beheadings