Superstitions of JW's

by highdose 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glenster

    JWs superstitions

    1969 "For example, when dances like the 'twist' and all its later develop-
    ments are introduced, the young accept them eagerly and without question, while
    their parents raise their eyebrows or smile indulgently for a while and then
    take them up with almost equal fervor, ostensibly in order to project the youth-
    ful image themselves. What they fail to realize is that such dances have their
    origin in pagan fertility dances that were performed in times past as a part of
    immoral religious rites. And just as they were designed to arouse the sexual
    emotions of the participants in the religious orgies, so their modern-day coun-
    terparts contribute to the loosening of moral inhibitions.

    "Those who subscribe to the modern morality that allows for premarital sex re-
    lations have no objection to this. But what of those who have no such end in
    view, who may be indulging themselves simply because it is the custom? Such
    ones should not deceive themselves. They are still affected emotionally in the
    same way. Stimulation of this sort inevitably leads to improper inclinations,
    and those who entertain wrong desires can be just as completely overtaken as the
    twenty-four thousand were in succumbing to the Baal of Peor in the days of Is-
    rael.-Num. 25:1-9." ("The Watchtower," Feb.15, 1969, p.113)

    "The Twist" (Hank Ballard), 1960, by Chubby Checker.

    Male JWs shouldn't tip their hats to ladies.'s_witnesses_allowed_to_tip_their_hats_to_women

    JWs shouldn't play Grand Theft Auto.

  • Lillith26

    Winking at a mameber of the oppersite sex can lead toooooooooo ya know

  • blondie
  • QuestioningEverything

    Windchimes are demonic.

    Can't go to Salvation Army or St. Vincent De Pauls for clothing-the proceeds may support false religion.

  • kriptonian7
    Windchimes are demonic.
    Can't go to Salvation Army or St. Vincent De Pauls for clothing-the proceeds may support false religion.

    windchimes...awesome! nothing says demon like Wind hitting some pipes. And the salvation army thing...there is a place here called Star of Hope, its a chuch/children shelter. and we used to do a fundraiser for the kids (my karate class) we would do demos and raise the oney and take food and clothes donations. i was counseled about doing this because it was supporting a worldly church. They let it slide chaulking it up to i didnt know they were affiliated with a church... bless them really, they were too good to dare I feed and clothe children...what was I thinking?

  • undercover

    This site provides the following definition for "superstition": an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear

    That describes the whole WTS/JW theology, doesn't it?

    Actually, it describes all religious beliefs...

  • JWoods

    Back in the day I was told that the deluxe editions of the NWT in black or maroon leather were only for personal use at the KH...they were not for service.

    You see - we had to display the famous GREEN THING at the door so that householders would not think we were pretending to be the mormons or other types of clergy.

    More Circuit Overseer (wife in this case) psychotic self-persecuting BS. I told her that if I wanted to get 20 seconds into a conversation, I was for sure not showing a green bible (or any magazines for that matter) until I had some kind of chance to get it started.

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