Why is Ray Franz the only GB member to have ever resigned?

by yadda yadda 2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's always seemed a bit odd to me that Ray Franz is the only GB member to have ever resigned, particularly for such a controversial religion.

    We know from Ray Franz's books that there is often debate amongst the GB about new ideas sometimes introduced and often they are quite divided in their opinions.

    I am not sure when the "Governing Body" officially began (Wikipedia's explanation is messy) but it was quite a few decades ago. There have been dozens of members of the GB since it's creation (does anyone know the exact total number?). One would think that there would have been a few more disgruntled GB members over the years who would have resigned if the GB voted against some proposal they felt very strongly about.

    Why do you think there have not been more GB members who have resigned due to disagreements about policy, teachings, future direction of the organisation? Is the group so hopelessly homogenous, blindly loyal, and suffering from groupthink?


  • Goshawk

    He left before senility set in on the rest?

  • Georgiegirl

    I think some of it has to do with personal integrity and strength of character, but I think part of it was also the time period. Remember that he was assigned to write and do the research for the Aide Book - and found huge discrepancies and sheer inaccuracies. He brought it to the GB for resolutions - and then it reaaaallly started to go downhill. You don't find that type of in-depth material being written or released anymore. It's all dumbed down tracks and magazines with 2-3 sentence paragraphs. The issues that were raised wouldn't be raised now. (this is all my opinion, of course). :)

  • blondie

    *** yb80 pp. 257-258 Theocratic Instrumentalities ***The Governing Body functions by means of committees of which there are six: Chairman’s, Writing, Teaching, Service, Publishing and Personnel. In the past year Ewart C. Chitty resigned, so that at present there are 17 members of this body.

    I tried finding something about Leo K. Greenless in the publications but no luck.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Is the group so hopelessly homogenous, blindly loyal, and suffering from groupthink?

    Yes, that is one factor. They are often so blinded before they ever get that far. Now add to that, the fact that they have nothing if they leave. Bethelites and C.O.'s and the like all come from the ranks of pioneers. Many of them are second generation or more in their family of JW's. Certainly, the ones who got that far have no life outside of WTS, no friends outside of WTS, probably no money. "Where else shall we go?"

    Or, keep it simple- IT'S GOOD TO BE KINGS.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Blondie, I dont think they ever mentioned Greenlees leaving. It was as if he disappeared?

    My personal opinion, based solely on Ray's two books and the occasional tidbit while I was at Gilead is that he was a loving, honest man who could no longer live nor support a lie.

    Interestingly, if the GB didn't pursue him so hard, I can see a scenario where he would have stayed as a JW. But they finished the mob hit for talking to Gregerson, and it gave him the freedom to write about what happened to him.

    Another self inflicted wound by the GB.

    Why have other GB's not resigned? Because if you had the ability to have NYC apts, flights to any part of the world, power, prestige, etc, its sort of hard to turn your back on it. Just my opinion, but I don't think its that complicated. There are few jobs as comfy as being on the GB.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    He was pushed. It has been a while since I read COC, but as I remember it, he didn't have any choice.

  • AllTimeJeff

    No, he was pushed out. The impression I was left from CoC was that some wanted to DF him right there. It was clear based on the actual letters he printed in the index of CoC that the GB managed his Alamaba JC from on high, to make sure that he was taken care of.

    I wonder, (small point here) if the GB regretted not DFing him before he left Bethel?

  • cantleave

    If I had a job where I could be given almost godlike authority I wouldn't leave. Ray Franz was a man with real personal integrity, who was willing to risk all to expose an organisation that he knew was acting as a false prophet.

  • Spook

    How many Popes have resigned?

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