I agree with the poster who said why should they resign when they have everything free? To me they are like well-dressed panhandlers with a god-complex. They try to compel homage or obeisance hoping like hell the gullible followers don't wake up and tell them to get lost. Whether they genuinely believe great things about themselves or are just along for the ride who can say?
They are totally supported with free rent and the trimmings with gullible people putting them on a pedestal and looking up to them like they were the pope. What a heady feeling this must give them when the groupies all want to shake their hands and fawn all over them. I am sure humility isn't their strongest point which is why they 'achieved' the titles they have. I can't imagine them resigning with these perks. Who would? I am rather critical of all religious leaders and don't have much use for any of them.