V (ABC Mini-series)

by sacolton 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    I loved the original version and was looking forward to this one. But I think they revealed too much in the first show. And it sucked big wind that it was only an hour.

    But the previews for next week look good.

    **Note to self: make sure there's Orville Reddenbacher in the pantry for next week.**


    Unsurprisingly, I was not impressed.

  • kurtbethel

    Revealing too much too soon? That is assuming that there are not even bigger revelations to come that the original series did not have, so that it might be unexpected. We already knew they were reptoids with a hidden agenda, so nothing to be revealed in that.

    The creepiest thing to me, is the way Anna blinks her eyes so much.

    In the original, the ideas of using humans for food was nonsensical for beings who can travel between stars and master the elements. I always saw it as metaphorical for feeding off the life energy of humans, which is really what totalitarian systems do.

  • garyneal

    Okay, watched it with my wife Monday night. What can I say, I won't go as far as to say it sucked but I do feel a little let down.

    They only gave one hour for the pilot, they should've done two. I like the idea that the 'V's' were on Earth in disguise for years before the motherships arrive. Similar to how the Federation on the Star Trek series do 'duck blind' missions on alien planets and even disguises themselves as one of the aliens to blend in and learn more about them before making first contact. The 'V's' causing problems on earth that only the 'V's' can later solve is priceless.

    But I don't like the idea of their throwing around the term 'V's' a lot. In the original series V stood for victory from the old WW2 days in which the original series was based. They should've used a different name for them.

    Hah, universal health care. Priceless. In the original series it was the cure for cancer.

    People worshipping the motherships, hee hee hee. They should've added in the 'Jesus is an alien' crowd for full effect. Kind of like on that movie Contact starring Jodie Foster.

    A female supreme commander, hmmm.... I know I am going to get some flack for this but the original miniseries was more beleivable in that it had a male supreme commander who humbly referred to himself as an admiral. The female mastermind (Diana) was pulling his puppet strings to make things work her way. That just seems more plausible, even in 2009, especially if Hillary Clinton is any indication. By the way, the 'supreme commander' in the old series actually played an admiral (and Tom Paris's father) in the Star Trek Voyager series.

    The pilot was rushed and revealed too much too soon and had no real character development whatsoever. If the future series are basically more of the same, I don't see this series going very far.

    Oh and in case you hadn't notice, I am a sci-fi buff.

  • leavingwt

    I saw the second episode, on Tuesday of this week.

    This show is officially DOA. It will never make it.

    There is simply no 'magic' there.

  • Angharad

    I agree so far it doesn't seem to have much atmosphere about it, maybe it will improve over the next few weeks.

    I don't remember much about the first one other than wanting to watch it but getting sent to bed instead so I can't compare!

  • babygirl75

    The original V rocks!

    This new one....not so much. I kept finding myself easily distracted.

  • garyneal

    Yeah, this show is getting more and more disappointing. If they don't make improvements fast, I doubt it will get very far.

  • sacolton

    Not enough Anna. I know the sugar coating is just a cover, but I need to see her bad side.

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