Russian JWs in Serious Trouble - about to be banned

by Dogpatch 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • dissed

    There is not much tolerance in Russia for groups that sacrifice children, run down the goverment as from Satan, and claim the churches are full of demons.

    And the WTS wonders, "Why is everyone pickin on me?"

    The Rodney Dangerfields of religions, the JW's. "We get no respect, we tellz ya, no respect!"

  • daniel-p

    The WTS loves this stuff. With persecution happening somewhere, they can scare everyone else into believing the end is coming.

  • yknot

    Religious bans and Ultimatums......both never garner the results desired.

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    They're Russians. Many still glorify Stalin. Their government is dangerous and backwards, and they're wrong. The very idea of the Bill of Rights is foreign to them. Where do they stop if they ban the JWs? Go after the members of this forum? Plenty of religious hatred and extremism here. Maybe they could go back to the pogroms and run all the Jews out while they're at it. I will defend the JWsright to exist as a religion to the death, as distasteful and absolutely wrong their theories are. Fear Putin. Yes, fear Ras-Putin. The Russian prosecutors are saying exactly what the Pharisees said.

    JD II

  • slimboyfat

    I may be wrong, but if they are banned in Russia now, this will be the country the largest number of JWs ever to have banned the organization. According to the latest report there are more than 150,000 active Witnesses in Russia.

  • watson
    JWs do have a choice - they can modify their message instead of being so provocative

    Nope, that wouldn't be the "Rutherford Way."

  • dissed

    Its not technically part of the thread, but did you notice the Russian babes on the ads?

    A business friend, who works all the time and has the personality of an ant, bought a Russian wife. It turned out to be a bargain, becaue she brought her mom with her as well. She looks just like the one in the picture. When you ask her a question, she just nods and smiles, but looks pretty good doing it.

    Maybe the JW's could get a marriage/dating service going for all those former lonely Bethelites? They could call it, "From Russia with Love"

    Ok, back to the thread....

  • Finally-Free

    I agree that many of the watchtower's writings could be considered "extremist", but I don't believe a ban would work. It would only feed the JWs persecution complex, increase their 'zeal' and give them too much free advertising. I think cult awareness education, without focusing on any particular group, would be more effective.



    Will the Russian ban on Jehovah`s Witness`s work?..

    Of course not..

    It`s great advertising for the WBT$ though..

    If a few JW`s Die,even better..

    The WBT$ has never had a problem,putting JW`s in harms way..

    This WBT$ Campain will be no different..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • isaacaustin

    I agree it would build the members persecution complex...BUT the WT does not seem to have the charismatic leaders who could really twist this to their benefit. Can the current body make this work to their benefit?

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