It also depends on how you define love. Some people define it as an objective or ideal, some subjectively and emotionally. There's room for all definitions of love, from the erotic to the platonic, from the practical to the more sublime and esoteric definitions.
English is an emotionally awkward language, there's only one word for the many kinds of love that exist.
Myself, I believe that in the end, the love of God, which defines ultimate love for me, is probably as close to unconditional as love gets.
It's people that make love difficult or complicated, but since God is love, his defining quality or essence, then there is no such difficulty with God.
That doesn't mean I think God forgives everything, but certainly most things, and much more easily than humans do. God has nothing to lose by being loving, but humans sometimes feel that they do.
And even if you define God as an ideal, or even a necessary or unnecessary fiction, then God still represents the idealization of love.
For me, that's why we need God, even if there isn't one.
Did that make any sense at all? I haven't had enough coffee yet. LOL