Sorry, I have to admit I was a lobby crier in my dub days.
I cried on the night they announced that a very good friend had been disfellowshipped. I was so shocked and distraught at the news that I had to leave the meeting early. I went home and text her to say that I would always loved her - have never spoken to her since - that was 4 years ago!!
I cried when they announced that a dear sister who was absolutely lovely had died suddenly earlier that day. They told everyone just before the last song and I was so choked up I couldn't sing ,so went out the back to cry.
Certain songs used to bring me to tears, mainly because they were the songs we sang at my dads funeral.
I cried loads of times after my first m/c. I just used to sit there like a zombie, listening to the constant droning from the platform. When I couldn't take it anymore I would go out the back to cry.