I'll just say that I have a lot of popcorn memories.
If you want to try growing it, you could easily grow the Orville seed, but since it's a hybrid, the results can be unpredictable. That's where the deactivation is with commercially grown stuff. The children won't necessarily be like the parents. Instead, you could shop around for 'heirloom' popcorn seed. It's not hybridized, so you know what to expect. There are lots of varieties. I like a white seed that pops smaller, crunchier, more flavorful, but it gets kinda stale if it sits around long. Popcorn is available in lots of colors, similar to decorative "Indian Corn", but they pop white with a dark hull. Different looking, not better tasting though.
And don't plant popcorn around other corn, especially sweetcorn. If they pollinate at the same time, both crops can be ruined by swapping genes. The plants need to dry down before you pick the ears or they will mold if too wet. Popcorn is hard to shell, that is, get the kernels off the corncobs. Unless you have equipment for the job, your best bet is to rub two ears together. Just a suggestion, do this over a sheet to catch as many of the flying seeds as you can. And the popcorn usually needs to be below freezing for a few days before it will pop very well. It's something with the starch and moisture inside.
Just to warn you, here's the typical reaction to growing your own... "I did all this work, and this little container is all the yield I got? Crap!" But, I would recommend trying it at least once. Things like this can make for interesting conversations.
I wouldn't grow potatoes either, too much hassle. However, there are still lots of other things to grow yourself.
Well, that's my opinion anyway.