I am SO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to Vent!!

by Lady Liberty 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • AdaMakawee

    Ok Mr. Perry, you are overlooking one important fact here. In an ideal world you might very well be right to say that these parents are all deceived and would practice unconditional love if the rules were different. But your "all" is not any less damaging than anyone else's generalization and it leaves out something that is pervasive within congregations, and that is mental illness. With psychiatric treatment and therapy demonized as it is, many times this goes undiagnosed, but not, I'm afraid, less prevalent for that fact.

    My mother, for example, has borderline personality disorder. I have known many with bi-polar, even schizophrenia. And the ranks are teaming with the seriously depressed. Now I am NOT saying that all JWs are mentally ill. Many are decieved, as you noted. But when this type of behavior and the history discussed with how her daughter has been treated, and others who have made comparisons, you can't just call people abusive that tell their story or state their opinion.

    Here's what the National Institute of Mental Health says on their website about borderline personality disorder:

    Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental illness characterized by pervasive instability in moods, interpersonal relationships, self-image, and behavior. This instability often disrupts family and work life, long-term planning, and the individual's sense of self-identity. Originally thought to be at the "borderline" of psychosis, people with BPD suffer from a disorder of emotion regulation. While less well known than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness), BPD is more common, affecting 2 percent of adults, mostly young women.1 There is a high rate of self-injury without suicide intent, as well as a significant rate of suicide attempts and completed suicide in severe cases.2 ,3 Patients often need extensive mental health services, and account for 20 percent of psychiatric hospitalizations.4 Yet, with help, many improve over time and are eventually able to lead productive lives.

    There are also people that are just hateful people who thrive on drama and causing friction and division. Many are passive aggressive types who like the pain caused by their actions.

    So, in my case, my mother shuns me and my son, and I allow her to do that without trying to make an attempt to out "love" her. Because she will never be treated for this, nothing I can do will help or alleviate it, and all she causes me is heartache, grief, and stress. Do I forgive her? Absolutely, but I cannot be around it. Perhaps in the next life.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Each person is ultimately responsible for their own actions. My JW mother didn't shun me because she had what comes naturally to any normal person - natural affection for her offspring.

    I happen to agree with this statement very much. Even though a person claims to be a JW, it doesn't mean they must follow all that they teach.

    We are all ultimately responsible both for what we do, and for what we allow.

    If we allowed JW's to influence us unduly, as was the case with me and thousands of others, then we also can change course when we see the light.

    It is sad that the older we get, the more entrenched we become in being right, as opposed to doing right. LL, please know that many/most here feel your pain and want the best outcome possible for you....

  • Perry

    So, in my case, my mother shuns me and my son, and I allow her to do that without trying to make an attempt to out "love" her.


    I my opinion the object is not to out love an active member. Love is simply an obligation to God, and a vehicle by which to deliver the gospel, which most JW's have never heard. I am shocked that I had never heard while I was a witness that the animal sacrifices in the old testament were vicarious death sentences carried out in place of the sinner.

    Without that understanding, it is easy for the WT to teach the twisted version of the Ransom doctrine, that denies that Christ is offering to take the punishment personally due for us.

    On your other point: Whether or not a members' motive for shunning is fear of not being ressurrected, simply meaness, or bi-polarism is not something that can be easily determined. It is not a class I want to sign up for because it has no bearing whatsoever on the course for a Christian.

  • Lieu

    Lady Liberty,

    Sorry to hear about your MIL ... doncha just wish sometimes a giant fish would pop out of nowhere and swallow a few folks?

    Next time you and your daughter both see the starer, why not have your daughter go over solo and say hello and give her a big hug? See if the ole MIL runs from her or not? Or simply say 'hi grandma' and wait to see if she returns your daughter's hello?

    Killing mean spirited people with kidness and refusing to stoop to their level is fun. I think what your MIL is doing toward your daughter is plain mean-spirited, there's no reason for it. She's simply taking her anger out on you by ignoring her grandchild.

    Stay strong.

  • Perry

    How many of our relatives would shun us it were not WT policy to do so?

    How many of our relatives would shun us if they were not baptized into "beliefs unique to Jehovah's Witnesses" instead of just the Father, Son , and Holy Spirit.?

    How many of our relatives would shun us if "good standing" with the organization were not a prerequisite for salvation?

    How many of our relatives would shun us if obedience to the organization were not taught as the same thing as obedience to God?

    How many of our relatives would shun us if they were not taught that the WT is God's "Sole Channnel of Communication" instead of the bible?

    How many of our relatives would shun us if the WT had not stolen a title of Jesus Christ - The Truth ?

    Many of the posters here would have us believe that our shunning mothers who slaved for us by cooking, cleaning, changing our dirty diapers, worrying over us endlessly as we grew up, and that gave us their last $50 for designer tennis shoes we didn't need are simply not "normal" . Hogwash

    When I see a witness, I will always stop and witness to them in love. Airports are my favorite place since I'm in them so often. I like to imagine that I am talking to my own mother. One thing is almost for sure.... they are someone's mother, perhaps of a Christian brother of mine who is waging his own personal war as a king and priest for his clan. Perhaps she's the mother of some atheist that would like to normalize relations. Perhaps he's the son of some ex-elder who quietly suffers from the judgments he doled out that now haunt him. I pray that God mobilizes others to join the battle.

    I know who the enemy is. I have made my choice and I will not be twisted into an image of the deceiver who beguiled so many of our relatives by dishing out the same poison that was thrown to me. I have declared war on the enemy through Jesus Christ. And, that enemy is not my mother. I will suffer long in prayer and I am believing that God will give some of my relatives the victory over the enemy as well.

    When that victory comes it will be sweet.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Perry, you're talking over everone's head here.

    There are so many reasons why a parent can act the way they do. Not all parents are good parents for one thing. For another thing, not all parents are worthy of their children's affections, quite frankly. Sperm donors don't always = dads, and just because you can birth a child doesn't make you a worthy mother.

    I am entirely confident that most of our parents ARE worthy, that isn't my point. But why assume otherwise? We're all grown ups, we can figure these things out....

    As for your list of questions Perry, huh? If I were baptized as you were? Forgetaboutit. There are so many events that could have happened that would have prevented us from being effected by JW's, but the answer isn't just in finding a different way of worshipping god.

    I credit you Perry, as always, for figuring out A way for yourself, but I assure you, it isn't THE way for everyone. As always, your evangelistic zeal for your beliefs blind you to other worthy paths in life, and other worthwhile methods for dealing with the unique issues that a shunned, disfellowshipped witness has to put up with in regards to their family.

    Ligten up. Love and worship Jesus all you want, and let us know how happy that makes you. Just respect other paths.

  • dinah
    We are all ultimately responsible both for what we do, and for what we allow.
    If we allowed JW's to influence us unduly, as was the case with me and thousands of others, then we also can change course when we see the light.

    Jesus wept.

  • Perry


    Most of the positions on this lenghty thread boils down to one position, shunners are bad, not "normal", people that deserve to be punished, and have dishonor shoveled in their face. Ironically, that is the exact position of the shunners toward us. That's the way evil works...spreads like a virus.

    We can choose be like them or be like Jesus in dealing with this. Being like them is easy and natural; but the ill feelings alone in trying to get back at someone causes such a heavy emotional load that it is difficult to discharge.

    Love and worship Jesus all you want, and let us know how happy that makes you.

    Maybe you should follow your own advice to lighten up. eh?

  • dinah

    Perry, shunning is heartless. WWJD? Or are you one of that stalwart Dubs that I could eat for breakfast?

  • AdaMakawee

    Perry, choosing not to subject yourself to abuse is not participating in abuse. Not every parent was a good parent. Mine weren't. Granted they didn't know how to be anything but abusive, because they were abused, but that didn't make it any easier to take at the time. My mother used to set her jaw, and her mouth was shaped like Betty Davis (actress) with the that huge frown, looking me right in the eye, she would beat me. She tried to make me cry, and she used whatever she could to do that. A willow switch, a belt, a stick, and occassionally her fist. My dad's weapon of choice was a fist. When they weren't being physically abusive, they used their other weapon, their mouths. That weapon included taunting, ridicule, fear, intimidation, guilt, and whatever else they could do. In addition my mother was and is a master manipulator as well as very passive aggressive.

    For years I hated them for what they did to me and to my brothers and sister (one of my brothers has been a heroin addict for years because he couldn't face it any longer). Later I came to terms with the fact that they really truly didn't know any better, so I was able to move past that. Now, they have not changed. I have. But I still will not place myself into the receiving end of that abuse any longer.

    There are situations where people are in a cult and all they are is deceived, and they would participate in their DF'd children's lives if they could. And there is a whole nother class of people who are not good people. I may honor my mother and father for giving me birth, but I don't have to be present to do it. I don't wish them any harm, and I wish things were different. But thats the way my hand was dealt.


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