memories of assemblys gone by...
Does anyone remember Crystal place assemblies? The Jubliee stand was THE stand to be in, because it got the shade in the afternoon, wereas all the other stands would be frying. I rember there was a mad insane dash for those seats everyday. One family i know came back from lunch break to find all their bags had been thrown in the asile and someone else had taken their seats!
Of course the nice thing about Crystal place was that the park ( with the dinosuars) was just next door, and in theory you could hear the program from there... on the other hand of course you could just wander around in the cool shade;)
I remember that the eldery/infirm section and the mother and baby section was for many years right in the spot were it would be swealtering heat all day! but at least you could walk around the place. Now where the nazi attendents really came into their own was at Gillingham and Twickenham assemblies, were you would be constandly barked at to keep moving, " do you really need that seat sister?" and " your not allowed in this section!"
ahhhh happy days (!) i'm sure other brits will have better memories than mine...?