jamiebowers: I watch that video last night. It is terrible for all parties involved. Why penalize the victim and let the offender continue on without consequence makes little sense to me. I especially could not fathom why the elders in that one incident would not inform the victims family about the abuser when they knew about the abuse.
life is too short: Ignoring court records? Now that's when you know something isn't right. I can understand the whole forgiving thing if the crime is in that person's past, I can even understand the elder's trying to help this guy start a new without the prejudice if this guy is truly repentent, but parent's will still want to know that information. I as a parent would be cautious and not leave my daughter alone with such an individual even as I try to show kindness to him, its a tight line every parent walks. Recently, a convicted sex offender was made pastor of a small church (in Kentucky I believe), it made national news so obviously the people of the church knew of his past and forgave him.
MadGiant: Thanks for all of the Watchtower quotes concerning their shunning policy.
carla: What is with jw's or when they are just joining up they hide money and accounts? Mine did too. This was completely foreign in our marriage before he became involved with jw's. |
In my wife's defense, our financial problems are probably similar to other couple's. I can definitely say that they are somewhat similar to my parents' which in and of itself is telling. She probably hid the fact that she went in the hole for $500 because I have not been too impressed with how she handles money to start with. She probably wishes to avoid the 'lectures' about money as she refers to my ramblings. I can appreciate that and I have been trying to work with her and meet her half way. However, when she cops this attitude with me concerning the whole idea that I should just be happy in how she is handling the funds as long as I have a roof over my head and food in my belly, I find that a bit demeaning. I mean, I am not 5 years old and I do work 40 hours / week too. I should have some input and there needs to be more transparency in how she runs the family finances.
I'm curious, though, that since it sounds like your husband is still fully indoctrinated in the 'truth,' how have your exchanges been lately? I ask this because I am frankly growing tired of it and find that my wife will have to see for herself the truth about the 'truth.' I guess my goal now is to ensure that I am fully convinced that this religion is not the 'truth' and that there is something better out there. I still struggle with that from time to time.
Heaven: I use that verse (1 Thessalonians 5:21) often when my wife asks why I spend so much time researching the witnesses. After nearly six years of hearing their propoganda and nearly buying into it, I figured I better check 'the other side' to ensure that this religion is truly right. Actually, my research originally began with what the Bible really teaches as opposed to the Watchtower, but then it went into WT doctrines specifically.
I agree that there are definitely pedophiles amongst the witnesses. I also know that pedophiles exist in churches and other organizations. Going back to my wife's point as to why I seem to make a big deal over this as opposed to what I might do if she were in another denomination of Christianity. It is because I feel that if something like this happened in a Baptist or Methodist church, the member could leave and not feel like his or her relationship to God has been severed. Baptist, Methodist, Holiness churches don't go around saying that they alone have the truth and everyone else is false.
Georgiegirl: Thanks, that may be helpful. A part of me feels like I should just leave it alone and let her believe it is the truth. I guess as long as it does not affect us, let her have her beliefs. Then again, when I see how torn she is regarding the things she wants to do (celebrate holidays and give our daughter birthday parties) versus what the WT tells her she can do (doing those things displeases God), I can't help but to think that she needs to break free somehow.
OTWO: Yes, you are so right. I recall reading on Barbara's weblog that the Watchtower did change its policy. The Proclaimers book would appear to be another attempt for them inoculate their rank and file.