Just Re-read My First Post

by cantleave 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • wantstoleave

    Congratulations for coming so far! You've done an amazing job I only wish we lived closer, so I could get to know you and your family in the flesh.

  • wobble

    Well done Cantleave !!!!!

    when you get the chance, change your name on here to " Fu**ing Left " or something appropriate, coz you have !

    Your journey out is so similar to mine, except I had no real pressing reason to make it a fade rather than say DA, apart from my wish to keep up my ties with the family. Mainly so I get a chance to get some of the younger ones out, maybe.

    Keep it up,

    love to you and family,


    p.s I am going to the Apostanoodle at Waggammamas, Tavistock St. Covent Garden Lon. next Weds. 4th Nov, 7.30 pm, if nothing big gets in the way of my going, be good to see you there if you feel able.

  • Newborn

    Interesting thanks. Couldn't be happier for you

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