Why the abuse in religious organizations?

by PSacramento 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • PSacramento

    I have often wondered why the many issues of child abuse and pedohilia in religious organizations.

    A friend of mine mentioned that they are not alone of course, many cases in other sectod too, but it seems to be out of whack in religious organizations.

    I think that it may be a two fold issue:

    1) Many people have these horrific tendacies and know it, many try to find solice or a solution for them in religion ( self control and such), they fail because rather than dealing with the problem they try to "control" it, in other words they try to contain it and dominate it instead of fixing it.

    Some may believe they are cured, only to fall "from grace" as it were.

    2) Some are sub-consciously or perhaps even consciously attracted to "professions" that will alllow them to exercise those tendancies.

    Religious organizations tend to NOT be the best palce for people with these issues, there is a tendancy to "ignore" the problem raher than fix it, a tendancy to not seek professional help because it is a sign of lack of faith.

    Pedophiles need to be helped, for the sake of all, they need to be treated even sequestered from the possibility of commiting these horrific acts.

    For their own good as well as for the sakes of children.


  • blondie

    Not just religious organizations, but it's institutionalized abuse, e.g., boy scouts. group homes, foster care, orphanages, etc.

  • PSacramento

    Indeed Blondie, a very valid point.

    I think that, outside the religious institutions that it may be more a case of issue #2 I stated above.

  • designs

    People conceive and project their own hangups and cruelties into their belief systems and ideas of a supreme being. Once you have given your 'god' permission to be cruel it tends to work itself out as justification for your own actions.

    Islam, Fundamentalists etc..

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I think that it may be a two fold issue:

    I think it's far more complicated than that. For example some of these animals see "religious" groups as easy prey.

  • PSacramento


    While I think there is a small percentage that do go into a religiosu organization with the concsious goal to abuse and molest, I think that the vast majority that commit these crimes are not like that, perhaps that is my wishful thinking.

    I think the majority probably go into it thinking it will "save them".

    It is a long and tedious process to become a priest and to build up enough "tenure" to have a "church all to yourself" so that you can abuse to your hearts desire.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    People conceive and project their own hangups and cruelties into their belief systems and ideas of a supreme being.

    Like a god without wrath and no ultimate justice.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I think that the vast majority that commit these crimes are not like that, perhaps that is my wishful thinking.

    Seeing it from my perspective (law enforcement), you would be surprised.

  • blondie

    You don't need a "church" all to yourself to abuse; case in point, one pedophile elder in a congregation with a body of elders. It is finding a position of trust and power with access to children that is the real issue. PS, what you need to do is a little reading about the profile of a pedophile and the types of positions they seek out.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    PS, what you need to do is a little reading about the profile of a pedophile and the types of positions they seek out.

    You nailed it

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