Why the abuse in religious organizations?

by PSacramento 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Are we only discussing priest? I think you'll find abusers find many ways to get contact and control of children, in all types of religious organizations. I would also think by the time they become "priests" they will have abused numerous times.

  • PSacramento


    Yes, we are basically discussing why pedophiles become part of religiosu organizations, if it is MAINLY to abuse or to try to STOP abusing and and they fail.

  • blondie

    No time for suggestions, maybe others have some ideas. That gravitation is too simplistic as they find out.

  • designs


    The Wrath of Godders, all of that energy spent perpetuating cruelty century after century. You imagined a supreme being who abuses and its found a home in those who choose Fundamentalism. At least there are Christian Denominations who have moved beyond that mental crutch.

    DD, Jonathan and Stephen the Trinity of nut cases.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    As you are someone who sees himself as a victim of justice, I can only imagine how you perceive a God who administers it. I feel bad for you. I really do.

  • designs

    DD, nice ploy. Here you are an adult and you believe in this torture business, and more importantly you want to convert others to it. It is important for others to see what is at the core of your theology and philosophy and converting campaign. Public Service r Us.

    Go volunteer at the local Food Bank or Community Center, help out with the local environmental groups, do good everyday and pass this beautiful earth on to the next generations.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Go volunteer at the local Food Bank or Community Center, help out with the local environmental groups, do good everyday and pass this beautiful earth on to the next generations.

    They are nice things to do, but, do you think your "Community service" is enough to justify you in the sight of God?

  • designs

    DD, that shows you need to step away from the whole worrisome judgement thing for awhile, take a fresh assessment of things. Being stewards of the earth and being our brothers and sisters keeper is simply the thing we do as humans. It is its own reward if you need to even look at it in that way.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Designs when are you going to be a man and start your own thread, and stop hyjacking the threads of others?

  • designs

    DD, this shows a deeper problem with you and Jonathan, he phrases challenges with fight terminology 'go toe to toe', you somehow think posting a topic is related to manhood. Somewhere in the conunbrum of your religiosity and the sermons, Bible Studies, and social network you have gotten a real twisted world view.

    Shinning a little flash light on this world of the Fundamentalists will prove helpful as we try to rebuild our lives in positive ways.

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