Put simply: You don't join an Apocalyptic Millenarian Destructive Mind Control Cult because you think they are one of MANY groups who will survive the End of the World. You join because they are the ONLY group who will survive.
Does the Watchtower Society teach that people who die at Armageddon will not be resurrected?
by Pallbearer 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks, LeavingWT and Blondie. Agree completely - could not quite remember all the contortions from way back then.
So, finally - were Adam and Eve in a "judgement"? If not, why not? They set the stage for all the other judgements.
Judgement = Jehovah Killed You (He doesn't make mistakes. If he goes to the trouble of killing you, then you stay dead.)
Sounds like a freaking awesome movie synopsis !!
Sounds like a freaking awesome movie synopsis !!
At a minimum, it would be safe to say that Jehovah of the WT is not a big fan of zombies.
Thanks everybody, you were of tremendous help!
Among these would be the unrepentant scribes and Pharisees who rejected Jesus and the apostles, the religious “man of lawlessness,” and anointed Christians “who have fallen away.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3; Hebrews 6:4-6; Matthew 23:29-33) Jesus also spoke of goatlike people at the world’s end who go into “the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels,” namely, “everlasting cutting-off.”
Actually, this sounds like it would be describing their own demise. Are they not the very ones who are rejecting the principles that Jesus taught? And as far as goat like people.....isn't WT under the umbrella of a society that uses a "goat-like" symbol?
Psychotic Parrot
Anyone who didn't wear their club tie proudly enough will be denied a ressurection.
Judgement = Jehovah Killed You (He doesn't make mistakes. If he goes to the trouble of killing you, then you stay dead.)
I guess that's tough luck for the kids that were killed by bears for laughing at Elisha's bald head. Of course, since Jehovah's primary attributes are love, justice, wisdom, and power we can be assured that the punishment fits the crime. I better quit laughing at baldheads.
That has always been one of their fear tactics. If you are destroyed at Armageddon, you died in final judgment. And, from there, there is no resurrection. The message is that you need to do all you can, and then some, to make sure you follow the Washtowel law until you die.
YES, .... BUT .... the JW's will deny this, claiming itr is in Jehovah's hands. But at meetings and conventions this is alliuded too, but you will be hard pressed to find it stated so in recent publications.