Lazy Ass Dubs

by Farkel 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    I noticed a recent comment the other day on a piece I wrote several years back on Rutherford and Al Capone. It was posted here first, but it is now on another (actually several) websites. The (obviously) dub writer was upset that I didn't present links and "verifiable" references to prove my statement that Grudge Rutherford had two 16 cylinder Cadillac automobiles, among some other things I stated. The writer obviously was mocking my piece because I didn't do this, ending its [sic] comment with "hmmmmm......"

    So, out of curiosity, I decided to see how much "research" it would take to verify that one challenge from the comment writer. I went to Google. I typed in "Judge Rutherford Cadillac" and bingo! In about 15 nanoseconds there was a scan of the car and Da Judge together and the source reference which was the Watchtower's own 1931 "Messenger" pamphlet right there to see. Plus about a zillion other sites that confirms it.

    Others have questioned the existence of Beth Sarim and Beth Shan. Type in either of those names and bingo! Every reference, citation, scan, whatever is spoon fed to them. There are so many more examples of WT scandals that can be revealed and documented with a 3 or 4 word search that it boggles the mind. But more importantly, there are so many more examples of lazy ass dubs who won't even take that 3 seconds of effort to put their own religion to simple tests that it blows away a rational mind.

    Obviously, these people are on the Internet and obviously, they must know the power of Google. What is most interesting is that, if some wacko bullshit is printed in their own literature, which quotes some unnamed source, from some unnamed reference, they swallow that crap whole as "spiritual food."

    I have concluded, that dubs have taken the Berean scriptural model and morphed it into those "who diligently make others do all the searching for them, not in order to prove things for themselves, but to waste everyone else's time."

    The title of this thread says it all. Dubs are either schmucks who won't take the time to learn the truth about their religion (but insist that everyone outside of their religion do it), or they are too afraid to learn the truth, or they "can't handle" the truth, so won't look into it. Or just plain braindead.

    Out of all of those possibilities, I suspect they are just "lazy ass braindead dubs," who don't give a shit about anything remotely resembling truth, much less "The Truth."

    Note to Rick, the nomorekoolaid man: the one time that I participated in your conference call with Lady Lee, you had a trivia quiz and your first question involved those two cars. I knew the answer and punched in to respond before your question was halfway finished, but I was locked out! It took another ten seconds or so before you found another winner. Someone else won! As a result, I was so pissed off, I went out and kicked nine dogs, three cats and 15 JWs in field service, four of them being pioneers and at least 2 being elders. I felt guilty about that and did my penance by doing three hours of Street Work starting at four o'clock in the morning on the least-traveled road I could find. I starched my clothes, magazines and body and never moved a muscle the entire time, so I could get through it. I never looked at anyone, either. But I counted the time! Just thought I would share that one for the record.

    Farkel, Active Ass CLASS

  • OnTheWayOut

    I starched my clothes, magazines and body and never moved a muscle the entire time, so I could get through it.

    Next time, get dipped in gold. It's even easier to do the time.

  • dinah

    Heh Heh. When I saw the thread title I thought it read "lazy dumbass"

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    You're making a "sweeping generalization" about the poor persecuted JWs Farkel. Shame on you!

    Ok, I'll join in.

    I think, in general, this is most accurate:

    or they are too afraid to learn the truth, or they "can't handle" the truth, so won't look into it.

    In order for a Google-aware JW to make that three-word search "Judge Rutherford Cadillac" they would have to make the mental leap across the chasm of cognitive dissonance and admit that maybe, just maybe, their entire world-view was screwed up. It's not realistic to expect that, IMO.

    I don't think it's accurate to call them lazy. They're plenty willing to scrub KH toilets and bang on doors of empty houses. They're not ready (yet) to make that leap of non-faith.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I ask any JW stupid enough to stick their head up to play 'whack a mole' with me to give me a list of Babylonian kings.

    Not one of those "lazy ass braindead dubs" has gotten around to doing it yet.

    The closest thing I have ever had to an answer is my father telling me that it is all explained at

  • sir82
    Obviously, these people are on the Internet and obviously, they must know the power of Google.

    Yeah, but Satan lives in the internet! They said so at my assembly, and they wouldn't lie, would they?

  • journey-on

    Farkel....I don't know about most JWs being lazy, but I can tell you my sister would say the photos are fake, the documentation is fake, and it's just a bunch of apostates using internet technology to stumble you.

    When I told a couple of them about the WTS ngo status to the UN, they didn't believe me. I told them to do their own research and they would find that it is absolutely true. They said they would and promised to come back and show me where I had been mislead. To this day, they have not returned. Either they were too lazy to do the research, or they found out the truth and can't handle it!

  • carla

    or they are too afraid to learn the truth, or they "can't handle" the truth, so won't look into it. -- My jw would tell you that 'the brothers have already done all the research I need to see' (sad part is he really does say that! aaagh! if I had the little emotion guy hitting his head against the wall I would put it here)

  • snowbird
    As a result, I was so pissed off, I went out and kicked nine dogs, three cats and 15 JWs in field service, four of them being pioneers and at least 2 being elders.

    Farkel, you've got me laughing so hard that my boss is giving me funny looks!

    Are you a stand-up comedian?

    Really, you are too much!

    Kicked nine dogs, three cats, and 15 JW's!

    Even elders!

    Love your wit, man!


  • garyneal

    Yeah, I would have to agree that the witnesses are a bit too lazy to do real research on things and are too scared of the truth and/or can't handle it. Better to keep their neat package theology intact and keep feeding on the 'spiritual manna' from 'heaven' as it is being channeled through the watchtower society and dispensed for witnesses consumption.

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