Captain Farkle of the Mounties opined:
Obviously, these people are on the Internet and obviously, they must know the power of Google. What is most interesting is that, if some wacko bullshit is printed in their own literature, which quotes some unnamed source, from some unnamed reference, they swallow that crap whole as "spiritual food."
I have concluded, that dubs have taken the Berean scriptural model and morphed it into those "who diligently make others do all the searching for them, not in order to prove things for themselves, but to waste everyone else's time."
The title of this thread says it all. Dubs are either schmucks who won't take the time to learn the truth about their religion (but insist that everyone outside of their religion do it), or they are too afraid to learn the truth, or they "can't handle" the truth, so won't look into it. Or just plain braindead.
Right on, Fark! I see questions from posters all the time which could have been resolved in ten seconds by using Google and a few keywords.
Is it really laziness? I think it is DBS; Dead Brain Syndrome.
People accustomed to having OTHERs THINK FOR THEM simply cannot use their own pound of skull meat to do anything other than OBEY.
Further, demands for "citations" is usually (not always) a temporizing scheme and not a genuine desire for confirmation.
The very same nitwits who attack your posts use tactics in their own screeds which amount to what happens when you take a large dog for a walk.