Swine Flu

by purplesofa 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    In September. Sick... as... a... dog. But didn't go to hospital because... well, I just didn't want the old "oh, you have a virus, nothing works on those, go home, take two aspirin and call me in the morning deal." Can't get flu shot (had BAD reaction to one some years ago, so they won't give it to me).

    Very sad news: a friend of a friend's husband died from Swine Flu on Wednesday. I found out today. He was 46. Although he'd been in the hospital 4-5 weeks, last I heard (10/17) he was "doing better." Apparently, took a turn for the worse last week, and, well...

    Very sad news.

    Peace to all...

    A slave of Christ,


  • Robdar

    I've got a mild flu. It is nothing like the flu I had earlier this year. Although it started off mild, it came back with a vengeance. That one gave me a temp of 104.3 and I roasted for 3 days. I truly thought I was going to die. With this flu, there is just a low fever and lotsosnot. Little bit of stuff in my chest. I've been syringing salt water up my nose and that seems to be helping with the mucus.

    Has anybody tried a netti pot? I've watched the videos on line and although it looks oogie, I've heard they help. I am thinking of getting one since I also suffer allergies throughout the year.

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