There's A Ghost At My Place Of Employment

by finallysomepride 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jeffro

    If ghosts existed, they'd be everywhere. And if all the stories of how they manifest were true, reports of them would be much more widespread.

    But instead, 'ghosts' are generally reported in old draughty buildings or places where people already feel irrational fear. The various 'phenomena' reported in 'ghost sightings' have other explanations, such as imagination, lack of sleep, synaesthesia, hypoxia, mental illness, draughts, structural expansion and contraction, etc, etc.

    No nervous system, no ghost.

  • Jeffro

    There is also no clear reason why non-corporeal entities (assuming they are possible at all) would be subject to gravity, and it is unclear how they would therefore stay in any particular place, considering that the planet, solar system, and galaxy are all in continuous motion away from any given fixed point.

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