There's A Ghost At My Place Of Employment

by finallysomepride 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • finallysomepride

    em I seem to have opened a rather large can of worms

    Hi Spock

    OP here I'm assuming you mean 'original poster

    What makes you think that I am a "she" I have given you no indication that I am a "she" or a he, do you believe that females are more inclined to have these experiences than males?

    By the way I'm a he.

    Do I need medical treatment? I don't know, I'm not a doctor, but i do believe i'm as sane as any one on here.


    What do I believe?

    That anything is possible!, no matter how wierd, obscure, & stupid it may sound. Who really knows, maybe we are living in the Matrix or The Dark City.

    Did I really experience these things? yes I did, but what did I actually experience? who really knows, not me.

    Possibly explanations of my experiences:

    1. I heard a voice whisper in my ear "hello" = There were people standing out side across the road talking, around 25 metres away, was it their voices?

    2. I felt something brush passed me as I entered the door early in the morning = a simple breeze created by the very fact that door had been opened & it was much warmer outside than in.

    3. Things moved around in the store = Done by humans to further a hidden agenda.

    4. A man standing outside at the rear of the store late at night, and dissapears in a blink = I got nothing for that one, maybe I am insane, em doubt it.

  • Caedes

    I find it incredible that anyone believes that there are credible 'scientists' investigating the paranormal. Science is limited to investigating the empirical world.

    Personal testimony is in fact rather unreliable, There are plenty of scientific articles exploring the fallibility of eyewitness testimony.

    Just because lots of people claim to have seen Elvis alive and working in a burger bar, UFOs, fairys, pixies, leprechauns or ghosts has no bearing on the veracity of the claims. Lots of people are gullible or have an inclination to believe in the paranormal (further evidence that their testimony should be treated with skepticism).

    We dont have to read any book to dismiss the claims of people who believe in ghosts in much the same way we dont have to read a book to dismiss those who believe in santa claus. Until empirical evidence is presented the claim can be dismissed, this is not being close minded, it is pragmatic skepticism.

    It is interesting that some are asking that we should read about the specific claims made in books, without presenting specific claims to discuss. Is there a reason why you cannot present those claims in your own words? Would it be because any single one of those claims would be unconvincing?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I once spent many hours on this forum in discussion of the phenom situations that my family had in the area of the supernatural. I was poo-poo'd out of the room, ridiculed because I could not provide scientific 'proof' of the events. Of course, those who actually experience such things typically do not expect them to happen, and so can't install scientific instruments to provide 'proof'.

    My brother was shaken out of bed [literally], my sister had ghost-like figures standing over her bed most every night, and when she had a step-sister stay with her she saw it too, my cousin saw all the doors in the kitchen cabinets open and close repeatedly one night, the toilet flushed itself, the tap ran for him to fill a glass. My mom, my aunt, and my stepmom all saw and observed things too.

    But what's the point. It becomes a skeptics paradise when such things are discussed in detail here.

    I don't know if I believe in spirits or not. I do know that none of the above mentioned people are or were liars. And thier fear was clear to read.


  • Butterflyleia85

    I use to be a skeptic and I'm probably still more skeptical then not. But I believe there are paranormal activity going on among us! We may not understand it or not all of us witnessed it, but there are to many people and to many strange things that we do witness and can't discribe for us to deny that there is things beyond our normal surroundings.

  • Mary

    The bottom line is: right now, we cannot either prove or disprove whether there are supernatural entities, so everyone is going to form their own opinion. It's extremely difficult to prove they exist for a couple of reasons:

    1) Trying to prove that they exist using "controlled studies" would be virtually impossible. Ghosts/demons/poltergeists or whatever they might be, do not conform to our ways of dealing with the physical/natural world, and experiences people have with them seem to happen at random.

    2) Videos and cameras have been reduced to almost zero credibility now, since it is so easy for anyone to add 'special effects', so anyone who claims they have caught a ghost on video becomes immediate suspect.

    I've never seen a ghost, or entity but I admit that since my brother in law died, I've been looking for some sign that he's still with us. Perhaps it's an act of desperation on my part. So far, I haven't seen or felt anything, which I guess shouldn't surprise me. However, I do know of several credible people who have had strange experiences that cannot be put down to mental problems, sleep paralysis or smoking pot. A Professor of History that I've known for over 10 years casually told me one day that both he, his wife and their son have all seen a female apparition in their house at various times over the years. Once when he was in his study preparing notes for one of his classes. His wife saw it when she was doing dishes after supper one night. Their son saw it when he was in the living room one night studying for an exam. Since they are all atheists, and do not believe in an afterlife, they are unsure of what to make of it, but they don't lose any sleep over it.

    One of my best friends has had numerous weird things happen at her house over the years. The only weird thing I've had happen is one day when I called her from work to see if I could get my hair cut that night. It was 12:30pm so I figured she'd be home from work. I called and after a couple of rings I heard someone struggling to pick up the phone on the other end. Thinking it was her 2 year old grandson, I'm going "hellooooooo" hoping he'd say something and go get grandma. No one answered so I got irritated and hung up. Called back about 5 minutes later and the phone rang and rang and rang and rang. So I thought 'to hell with this, I'll call her later' and hung up.

    Called her back later and said "who answered the phone earlier when I called cause no one was there?" She said "what time did you call?" I said "12:30". Silence for a moment and she said "are you serious?" "Yes-----why?"

    She proceed to tell me what happened from her end. She was in the car warming it up as she was taking her daughter and grandson to the doctors office. Her daughter was in the house on the main floor putting the boots on her son when the phone rang. She walked down the hall to answer it and saw it was 12:30 on the phone. She went to pick it up when it suddenly stopped ringing and the red light in the top right hand corner lit up, which meant that someone else had picked the phone upstairs up. The only problem is that no one else was home. Her dad was on the road and her brothers both in school and her mom was waiting in the car. It freaked her out a bit and so she quickly finished getting her son's boots on, and went out to the car and told her mom what had happened.

    I was sort of shocked when she told me this and if I hadn't have been on the other end of the phone, I would have simply dismissed it that the phone upstairs had somehow fallen off the receiver, which would have caused the red light on the downstairs phone to light up. The only problem with that theory is that when I called back 5 minutes later, the phone rang and rang and rang---I did not get a 'busy' signal which I would have gotten, if the phone had not been on the hook. So that one's kind of got me stumped and I'm not sure what to make of it.

    The bottom line is: none of us knows 100% for sure if there's an afterlife or not. I'd like to think and hope there is. I know many ghost sightings can be explained by rational means, but a good number can't. We can't just automatically assume that someone is either suffering from mental problems, or is lying. Just because we personally can't measure a spiritual entity or verify an event using scientific equipment doesn't mean it hasn't happened. For the most part, I think that nothing short of a personal encounter would be enough to satisfy those who are skeptical and there's nothing wrong with that.

    If there is an afterlife, we'll all find out in our own good time.

  • GromitSK

    Caedes. I'd call Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir William Barratt credible scientists by any measure. You can read (or not) whatever you like but I think some people would find it rather odd that you dismiss their work without even reading it or because I won't chop it up into pieces and drop it in when your breathing in the right direction. Almost everything you take for granted is from personal testimony of one form or another unless you are telling us that you only believe things you see for yourself lol. A claim is of itself neither convincing nor unconvincing it depends who is saying it, the evidence available to support it and what research has been done to arrive at that conclusion.

    The evidence is voluminous and I am not prepared to restate reams of research here, much of which requires careful consideration because you are too lazy or insufficiently interested to do some work and find out the basis of the statements. Frankly I don't care whether you read any of the research or not. If a person is genuinely interested in finding out more they will read a little more about it. If they aren't then I don't see it as my mission to ignite interest. Fact is that unless you are prepared to do some work you are arguing from ignorance and your insinuations are worthless. It's up to you.

    @Mary - there have been controlled investigations carried out by reputable scientists in the past. I have mentioned a couple of references above but there are many many more. I was astonished by what I found with only a little research.

  • Mary

    OK, thanks GromitSK. I somehow missed that post, but I'll check it out.

  • Caedes


    Are they renowned for the empirical proof they have for the paranormal? No, if they had proven anything at all in that field they would be household names. I presume they have contributed to real science in some capacity but they have offered zero empirical evidence of paranormal forces. Are either of them working currently? Because if they really are credible I doubt they have anything published in the past hundred years.

    Perhaps you could point out where I have said that I only believe in things I have seen for myself. If you claim to have a car in your garage I am prepared to accept your personal testimony, if you claim to have a fire breathing dragon in your garage then I would require empirical evidence. Can you see the diffference? Accepting one statement would be reasonable, accepting both would make me a gullible fool.

    If, as you claim the evidence is so voluminous then you should be able to offer one single piece of empirical evidence to back up your claims. I already have an hearing just one piece of hard evidence. I don't have to research your claims for you, you are claiming there is voluminous evidence I would like to hear what it is in your own words.

  • Decided

    Our mind can fool us. Sometimes I think I remember something that happened but can't really know if I dreamed it or if it really happened. It is usually something from the past.

    Ken P.

  • SixofNine


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