What are your thoughts about 44 year old guy dating 22 year old girl?
Older Men/Younger Women
by asilentone 23 Replies latest social relationships
I have no problems with it as long as they are both consenting adults and honest with each other about their goals in the relationship and their feelings towards one another.
I think if they're happy, that's what matters.
no more kool aid
I think it's ok. But what about when he's 50 an she is, um , ah. I am not a math major, but you have to think about that.
Honestly......she is looking for a 'daddy figure' and he is trying to lie to himself about his youthfulness...
He is really really really immature and she is mentally at his level
She like nicer dates and he likes well he is just enjoying the perks
She has heard rumors that older men 'slow down' some in certain areas and are happy to compensate more in oral other areas.Forget it ......I agree with the consenting adult things but I think ultimate it isn't a relationship that will last unless he again is really immature or really selfish and willing to keep her from living a normal young adult life......
FLing FLing Fling..... (just use protection)
How do I find a 22 year old hussy to date?
"Age is a matter of the mind
If you dont mind
Dont matter !!"
This subject cracks me up....how about a mid 30's woman with a 22 year old boy. Is it any more offensive?
Either bothers me, but I might just be too old fashioned.
Lucky bloke
I was just chatting with hubby about this thread.....
His take: It is a fling, be careful of her Dad, 44 year old is a 'dirty old man' and would be safer dating a 32 year old instead..... but hey if she is willing and her Pop ain't around.....let us know how it goes.....(Smacked him right good upside the head for that one)
Thinking along the lines of Restrangled...... If I as 35 year old woman was to date a 70 year old man I would be called a gold-digger or his nurse, and he would simply be an old fool.
So I am sticking with it's a fling thing.......but agree with hubby to watch-out for her dad.