Gee, that's what every cult member thinks of their cult organization. Do you think anyone thinks the religion they are involved with does not follow the bible?
Again, you aren't comprehending what makes a dangerous cult a dangerous cult. Not surprised though; cult members never really recognize that they are involved with a cult until they actually mentally break free.
What makes a dangerous cult a dangerous cult is the control placed on the followers and the removal of individuality. Even the WTS brags about their "unity." Sure, they are united! But not because of anything so holy as God's blessing. It's because all differing thought is suppressed. When there is a change in thought (eg, "new light") all members are expected to instantly change to the new thinking. Anyone trying to have a different thought will be expelled and face shunning by friends and family. Now the "unity" doesn't sound so amazing, does it.
All religions are this way not just the W.T.S. I am sorry but I do not the difficulty in breaking free mentally? I realize that people were misled, but how many times have people lied to you and you adjust your thinking? If anyone has been molested by a J.W. (which by the way would not agree with a Christains way of life) how is it the fault of the organization? Is it not that individuals fault that they molested someone? Was it GOD's fault that satan rebeled? A worldy court system might have a different look at each situation but from GOD's standpoint no one else is responsible for someone else wrongdoing unless they coerced them.