Can you prove the following Watchtower teachings using nothing other than the Bible?
1. Jehovah has an earthly organization today and that the Governing Body is being directed by Jehovah
2. Only the remnant have the heavenly hope
3. The “faithful and discrete slave” is a proper arrangement and is a class made up of anointed ones and their Governing Body to direct the affairs of Jehovah’s people. Matthew 24:45 is more than just an illustration
4. There are two classes today – the heavenly class and those of the earthly class also called “other sheep” in John 10:16
5. The number 144.000 mentioned at Revelation 7:4 and 14:1 is literal, not symbolic
6. That we are living in the last days, which started in 1914
7. That Jesus was enthroned in 1914
8. That Abraham, David and other faithful men of old (prior to Jesus earthly existence) will have an earthly life, not heavenly.
Looking forward to your responses.
Some questions for the JWs here
by Mickey mouse 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mickey mouse
**Watches as the crickets chirp the evening away.**
9. Given that the WTS says that blood "components" are unacceptable for true Christians while blood "fractions" are a matter of conscience, can you give me the Biblical definitions of, and difference between, "components" and "fractions"?
I have another questions. Granted, all the "ancient worthies" were not Jehovah's witnesses. How come they will be resurrected?
David fornicated, so did Solomon... do I continue?
I hope the ancient werthers aren't resurrected......they are bad enough new ....never mind ancient
I put my old JW mindset hat on to take this test, but couldn't answer any of the questions using ONLY THE BIBLE.
This needs to be on side wiki at
I'll take a crack at it...
1. Jehovah has an earthly organization today and that the Governing Body is being directed by Jehovah What, you never heard of 'God's visible organization' in the book of Numbers? (Um, I think that is right.) What about the disciples? They were God 'annointed class.' Who was with Jesus when he offered his body as the bread and his blood as the wine? Oh, wait a minute, so how do I connect that with the GB? Dag on it, let me find my reasoning book on that, the faithful slave is never wrong.
2. Only the remnant have the heavenly hope The great crowd is not 'in' heaven in the book of Revelations. Ha, no WT article, just the Bible. Um, wait a minute, where did I learn the 'truth' to begin with?
3. The “faithful and discrete slave” is a proper arrangement and is a class made up of anointed ones and their Governing Body to direct the affairs of Jehovah’s people. Matthew 24:45 is more than just an illustration Because Jesus is the greater Moses and Moses was the mediator between God and man in the old testament and now Jesus is the mediator. He mediates between God and the 144,000 and the 144,000 mediate for us. Hmmm, now how did I connect these two things without WT help?
4. There are two classes today – the heavenly class and those of the earthly class also called “other sheep” in John 10:16 Because the heavenly class is the 'little flock' who began with the disciples. Only they partake of the bread and wine. Hmmm, again, how did I never know this before being taught this from the WT?
5. The number 144.000 mentioned at Revelation 7:4 and 14:1 is literal, not symbolic Because they make up the little flock Jesus spoke of.
6. That we are living in the last days, which started in 1914
7. That Jesus was enthroned in 1914I combined these. Remember the prophecy in Isaiah about the seven gentile times. In Revelations, 3 1/2 times is 1260 days so seven times is 2520 days. Now substitute a day for a year and you have 2520 years. Add that to 607 B.C.E. and you have 1914 C.E.. Remember, Jesus, alias Michael, casted Satan out of Heaven in the last days. That was when WWI started and things have been getting worse since.
Hmmm, how come I never knew this before hearing about it from the witnesses?
8. That Abraham, David and other faithful men of old (prior to Jesus earthly existence) will have an earthly life, not heavenly. Because the existed before the new convenant established by Jesus.
9. Given that the WTS says that blood "components" are unacceptable for true Christians while blood "fractions" are a matter of conscience, can you give me the Biblical definitions of, and difference between, "components" and "fractions"?
Because fractions no longer sustain life as mentioned in the bible where the life of the animal is in the blood.
The interesting thing is, none of this stuff is taught in any Christian church. I don't even think the Christadelphians teach this stuff.
Cold Steel
Ah, but teaching something means nothing.
One must be called of God, anointed and ordained and commissioned by Christ.
Based on all the apocraphal writings recently discovered from the first century on, there is absolutely no indication that Jesus was Michael. In fact, Jesus seems to have been the Old Testament Jehovah. When Adam sinned, the Father could no longer directly commune with man and an intercessor was needed. This was Jehovah, later known as Jesus. It was He who communicated with Moses, Elijah, Isaiah and other great prophets. After the Earth has been glorified and redeemed, He will offer it back to the Father.
But what of all the references to Jesus being Jehovah's son? The simple answer is that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE, and they speak as ONE. Jesus prayed that the apostles may be ONE, "even as we are ONE." Thus, the godhead is comprised of three individual entities. When David wrote in Psalms, "The Lord saith unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand," who was David's Lord? Jehovah. To whom was the first Lord (the Father) speaking? To Jehovah, who was David's Lord. Jesus even referenced this in his rebuttal to the Jews.
The New Testament says that the Father judges no man, but has committed all judgment to the Son; yet in the Old Testament we see that it is Jehovah who will judge the nations and, indeed, all mankind.
Isaiah said that Jesus would be "the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." This is not a reference to Jesus' Father, but to Jesus who is the father of our salvation and of our second birth, wrought by baptism.
He is NOT Michael, nor has any ancient text in or out of the Bible identified Him as such.
There are some texts that identify Adam as being Michael. In one text, Satan promises to throw Adam out of the Garden just as Adam caused his expulsion from Heaven. Although this text is from a gnostic library, it does reflect an early tradition where Adam is either Michael or at least a spiritual representation of him. Adam was the chief of God's creation on Earth and Michael was the chief of God's creation in heaven. It was Michael who routed Satan and cast him from heaven. Satan, likewise, promises to expel Adam from the Garden as retribution.
Again, no text, no tradition, no early Christian teaching associates Michael with Jesus.
Jesus told his apostles, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you." There is no indication, either, that the Watchtower people have been called or commissioned by God. The Watchtower leadership also is on record of saying that they aren't inspired. If so, who then called them and appointed them over anyone. If you're convinced the JW teachings are correct, then you are equal to the leaders and they to you, for if they are blind guides (being without inspiration) then how can they lead others?