I disagree and I would kindly ask you to produce a quote to support this. There is no direction in WT publications, to allow yourself to be killed, if you're in a self-defense situation.
I think that maybe we're splitting hairs here. The Society is against using weapons for self defense. I argue that stance as pacifism, you don't accept that notion. I can accept that the Society will say to fight for your life but if they deny you the oppurtunity to own the tools to help you defend yourself, it's self-defeating.
It's kinda like the blood doctrine. They're all for medical science to preserve life, except don't use blood. Too bad that you'll die in some cases....blood law comes first, your life second.
The same with their position on weapons for self-defense. Sure, defend yourself against attackers, just don't use a weapon. They also don't want you taking self-defense classes or martial arts. Their very position of denying yourself these things is pacifistic in my eyes, though some may not agree with me, which is fine.
Here in the Deep South, and during my seven years at Bethel, I never heard anyone speak against hunting rifles and shotguns. "Hunting" was purely a conscience matter and not to be looked down upon by those engaging in it.
I live in the South, though not as deep as you, and I have heard traveling brothers and transplanted brothers speak against firearms in general. It was met with derision and argument for the most part. I've owned guns most of my life, along with knives, swords, bayonets and other implements of destruction. And the whole time I was a JW, I knew I was not adhering to the counsel of not owning weapons.
I will concede that in print they were ambivelant towards hunting for necessity. It was the traveling brothers who made big deals about it.
Maybe our generation difference has seen a change in how this is viewed. My experiences with those brothers who took a hardline stand against firearms was from the late 60s and early 70s. I admit that in the 80s and 90s, it didn't seem to be as big a deal.