During most of my childhood, I was on 165+ acres of woods/farmland. If you're familiar with this setting, then you're probably familiar with the wild animals (predators and animals that would ruin crops) that must be "dealth with" by private land owners. If necessary, putting down a domesticated animal or a pet would also be the responsibility of the owner, as there was no government agency to handle this.
I grew up in a rural setting that was being encroached upon by the city. More and more urbanites were moving outside the city, creating the suburbia settings. There was the clash of city life with country life. And the city was growing due to transplants from up North, mostly from the big cities of up North. Our country setting was shrinking as more and more pastures or tobacco fields were turned into housing developments.
We were caught between country living and city living. And to make it worse, all the Kingdom Halls were in the city and were mostly attended by JWs who lived in the city. It took many, many years to gain any converts in the outlying farming towns and communities. Even today, JWs have not managed to grow in some of the more rural counties.
The attitudes of the those that moved in and were used to urban living clashed with the more simple and self-sufficient lifestyle of the country folk. On the surface, everyone got along, but there was always a resentment of the transplanted Yankees and the city folk trying to impose their ways on us. Just as some of them looked down on us as backwards and stubborn, we looked down on them as arrogant and snobbish.
I'm not saying anyone was right or wrong...it's just the way it was. And that is a general overview. There were exceptions. Because the culture of the area was changing, many things that we grew up with came under question by newcomers and visitors. Being a JW was all about being different from the world and it seemed that the city JWs excelled in trying to live up to that, while the country dubs were satisfied in leaving well enough alone and fitting in with the community as much as possible.
I remember brothers getting upset when counseled about gun ownership...especially those that lived further out. They worried some about self-protection living so far from police protection but it was more about protection for their livestock from wild animals. And here comes some city dub trying to tell him that he didn't need guns. It didn't go over very well.