Fort Hood Under Attack!!!!

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • LightCloud

    You know we get constantly briefed on not taking part in groups or organizations that cause issues with ones loyalties, such as being part of a racial supremacy group, extremist political groups I really wonder if there shouldn't be added a section about, it being OK to practice ones religion but if your religion causes you to take an active resistance to the stated mission or lawful order given to you, you should not be allowed to be a part of that religion.

    I have run into a number of Soldiers who are muslim. Some practice, some just say they are but do not really practice alot like the Soldiers that claim to be Christian but don't behave like it. I have never once seen any of them questioned as to their loyalties, ostracized, or held back from promotions or awards because they profess to be muslim. Heck we know that if it ever did happen and he or she took it to IG or the EO reps it would be seriously damaging to the offending parties careers and anyone around who let it happen. This guy was claiming he got a little static about him being muslim, well you know what I got static for being a lot of different things, thats part of being in the military. You have to be pretty weak minded to allow remarks like what he claims were made to him set him off to kill 13 and injure dozens more. If he was so worried about being muslim and having to fight other muslims there are plenty of ways to get out of the military all together, by getting Chaptered out probably on a failure to adapt claim. So I wave the BS flag on that one.

    My feeling is he should have just killed himself if those were his real reasons but I suspect it was not. I think he actively wanted to hurt the US military effort as a result of his muslim beliefs. He is basically a traitor. I would even go so far as to investigate whether he was a infiltrator who joined with the very intent on damaging the US military.

    His family that has released the typical response when these kind of things happen. "We love America....blah blah blah" Keep in mind the principle very similar to the JW's that it is OK to lie to unbelievers to advance or defend ones cause. My brother dated a girl who was a non-practicing muslim and during a family gathering with us she came out and told us that her family does just that, in public "Oh we love America and our proud to live in this wonderful country." But behind close doors curse America, non-muslims and think every tragedy that befalls the US is divine retribution for our evils.

  • LightCloud

    Its good to see I wasn't the only one put off a bit by the President's reaction.

  • LightCloud

    double post

  • minimus

    Supposedly there were 1 or 2 other shooters. What happened to them???

  • beksbks

    It does not appear LightCloud, from anything I have read, that this has anything to do with his religion. Frankly, it sounds like you are making a lot of assumptions.

  • LightCloud

    There was only 1. The reports were coming in very inaccurately. Its very possible for one guy to do what was done. Supposedly he had 2 pistols and a few extra magazines. Seeing as how SRT buildings are usually very crammed with Soldiers there would be plenty of targets that could be hit without much effort or movement. I find it funny how the media was reporting that at least one of the pistols used was semi-automatic as though that is some special quality. Most pistols are semi-automatic. I would venture a guess that its probably like 95% of those sold in the US are semi-auto.

    They had previously detained 2 others for questioning but I guess they were satisfied that they were not involved. It would be pretty obvious if they were, ie gun powder on hands of the person who discharged the weapon.

  • LightCloud

    He has said he did not want to get deployed to a muslim country to kill fellow muslims. He reportedly yelled out "Allah Akbhar" while firing the weapon. Yeah it probably had nothing to do with religion.

    Soldiers who witnessed the rampage reported that the gunman shouted " Allahu Akbar !" — an Arabic phrase for "God is great!" — before opening fire, said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the base commander . He said officials had not yet confirmed that Hasan made the comment before the shooting spree.

    He had also gotten counseled for trying to attempt to inappropriatly convert other Soldiers to Islam. He had numerous run ins with fellow Soldiers arguing against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Posted on muslim "extremist" websites openly praising suicide bombers.

  • beksbks

    So far all we have is unconfirmed hearsay. We don't actually know what happened yet.

  • minimus

    If the gov't knew 6 months ago what he was doing, why wait to see if he'd flip?

  • LightCloud

    While an intern at Walter Reed , Hasan had some "difficulties" that required counseling and extra supervision, said Dr. Thomas Grieger, who was the training director at the time.

    Grieger said privacy laws prevented him from going into details but noted that the problems had to do with Hasan's interactions with patients.

    "He said, precisely, that maybe the Muslims should stand up and fight against the aggressor."

    Hate to break it to you Beks thats not hearsay.

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