This week’s service meeting part (week starting March 23, 2015) in the Our Kingdom Ministry under the heading “Meetings for Field Service That Accomplish
Their Purpose” includes a little sub-article entitled “When a Sister Must Conduct.” The direct link is: “” – click the little document download button under the one labeled “km15 03-E Us” and then choose a format (PDF looks best).
Here is that little part about women directly pasted below, in which I have highlighted in yellow the most pertinent parts:
When a Sister Must Conduct
A sister should wear a head covering and would normally be seated when conducting
a meeting for field service. What she chooses to discuss would be similar to
what a brother would consider. While she should avoid giving the appearance of instructing those in
attendance, she may initiate a group discussion. If she invites another
baptized sister to say the prayer, that sister should also wear a head
covering. If a baptized
brother joins the meeting after it has started, the sister would normally
invite him to finish the meeting. The service overseer should try to anticipate unusual
situations and give appropriate instructions so as to minimize awkwardness.
For example, a very young, perhaps preteen, baptized brother might attend when
a sister is assigned to conduct, but the elders feel that he is not yet
qualified to conduct the meeting. In such a case, the service overseer can
inform those involved that the assigned sister should conduct the meeting, but
the brother should say the prayer if the elders feel that he is qualified. Or
perhaps there is an adult brother who is restricted from conducting the meeting
or offering congregation prayer for reasons known by the elders. Without
revealing confidential information, the elders should let the assigned sisters
know that they should conduct and pray even if he is in attendance. The elders might also let the
brother know which days sisters are scheduled to conduct the meetings for field
Now, we have all heard about the head covering thing for sisters in those rare instances when they absolutely have to take the field service group because no baptized brothers are around. There is nothing new with that – except, I don’t recall ever reading a directive from the Watchtower organization that in that situation where a sister has to conduct the group, she has to not only wear a head covering but also she has to remain “seated.” So, she would have to remain seated even if offering prayer for the group.
As well, “she should avoid giving the appearance of instructing those in attendance” . . . . um, isn’t the whole idea of taking, or conducting, the field service group to “instruct” those attending, to organize them into partners, car groups, and territories? If whoever is conducting the group isn’t supposed to appear to be “instructing” and making necessary practical working arrangements for field service, then what the hell are they there for? I’m sorry, but that just doesn’t make any sense to me. Either you’re doing the job of conducting/organizing or you’re not.
Further, “if a baptized brother joins the meeting after it has started, the sister would normally invite him to finish the meeting.” After it’s already started? The Watchtower organization can’t even allow a woman the basic respect and dignity to at least finish conducting the group if a baptized testicle-carrying member arrives partway through? Really?
“The service overseer should try to anticipate unusual situations and give appropriate instructions so as to minimize awkwardness.” Awkwardness? So, it’s really that much of an “unusual” and “awkward” situation for a woman (female) to conduct a little field service group? The governing body must really feel uncomfortable about the very thought of a woman (female) having to do anything in the congregation. (But, of course, cleaning those toilets and washing those floors and sinks is always most welcome for those apparently lowly women. I guess that’s their real place, at least according to those seven grumpy old men at the big conference table in New York. Lucky them.) “The elders might also let the brother know which days sisters are scheduled to conduct the meetings for field service.” Oh, yes. We wouldn’t want any of that awful “awkwardness” arising from one of those “unusual situations,” now would we?
The more that little blurb in this week’s Our Kingdom Ministry can get shown around to people in general in the “world,” the more people will be able to see just exactly what they would be in for if they were to join, and thus be able to make a more informed, and hopefully intelligent, decision just in case they ever got any ideas about membership. Copies should really be sent to women’s rights groups, or even just human rights associations. It’s ridiculous and nonsensical little things like this that will surely prevent any more growth of the Watchtower “religion” in any progressive parts of the world and be the purging of more and more of the current membership out the door. What a stupid, quirky, medieval outfit!