she should avoid giving the appearance of instructing those in attendance,
so a sister can give instruction, just don't give the appearance you're instructing anyone?
by SAHS 32 Replies latest jw friends
she should avoid giving the appearance of instructing those in attendance,
so a sister can give instruction, just don't give the appearance you're instructing anyone?
Dear Sisters,
When will you all learn that your place is to be lower than men, yes indeed, a substandard form of life?
So,we will write these things in small words so your lesser brains can understand us when we say : Stay at home, Render the marriage due to your higher class husbands, Make babies, Go preaching (BUT never take the lead in the field group unless you put a tissue on your head)...that is your role"
Your most Holy ones,
Governing Body of Annointed MEN!
A sister should wear a head covering and would normally be seated when conducting
she should avoid giving the appearance of instructing those in attendance,
...........SO I`M "IN CHARGE"....BUT.... I`M NOT??!!..
You're right stuck -also that cooking vessel on her head will allow her mouth to still move.
Plus she would be accused of being a pot-head.
They obviously have a severe shortage of brothers to be that desperate.
It should be acknowledged though that the apostle Paul stated that women should wear veils on their heads during the meetings (! Corinthians 11:3-6) and not speak at all (1Corinthians 14:34-36). That's more severe than what the Witnesses are doing and it makes them look liberal in their application of those scriptures.
This has been going on since before I was born, over 60 years ago.
In my mother's day there were many congregations without a single qualified man (brother). The sisters did everything through the oversight of the CO, magazines, literature, territory, accounts, moderating the book study and WT study, reading the paragraphs, handling all the reports to the society. If a JC was required the CO and men from the nearest other congregations filled in.
This scripture is used to say these would all be men.
(1 Corinthians 12:27-29) 27 Now YOU are Christ’s body, and members individually. 28 And God has set the respective ones in the congregation, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services, abilities to direct, different tongues. 29 . . .
Were there female prophets in the Christian congregation...ahead of any teacher?
(Acts 21:7-9) 7 We then completed the voyage from Tyre and arrived at Ptol·e·ma′is, and we greeted the brothers and stayed one day with them. 8 The next day we set out and arrived in Caes·a·re′a, and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelizer, who was one of the seven men, and we stayed with him. 9 This man had four daughters, virgins, that prophesied.