Rebuttal to Amnesian's Post - Preface

by Amazing 23 Replies latest jw friends


    To those of you replying to "Re: Rebuttal to Amnesian's Post - Preface"

    Do any of you who are accusing Amazing of being egotistical know how you sound? You all sound extremely defensive, like you are taking this whole issue too personally.

    Have any of you noticed, when you buy a new car, how, suddenly, all you see are cars just like yours? This is very typical of humans to see the things we are most concerned with wherever we look. Hence, if we are concerned with male chauvinism, we see it everywhere. Even when it doesn't exist. In the over 30 years I've known Amazing he has never been a chauvinist. (I really don't think his mother would have allowed it anyway.)

    As for being egocentric, (I'm still laughing about that one) Amazing doesn't have an egocentric bone in his body. I'm not even sure he has an ego. He is the most humble of men. I've never met any one who tries as hard, or harder, to do the right thing than he does.

    Amnesian- In your 12 page post I see inteligence, wit, passion, anger and, yes, ego. Should I conclude that you are egocentric? Or should I realize that your passion and/or anger emphasize a 'normal' ego?

    After reading your posts, I am left wondering if the points made by Amazing have hit a little too close to home. And now your defenses are up.

    Oh yes. No. Amazing did not ask me to respond, nor does he know that I am responding. He certainly doesn't need me or any one else to defend him. I responded because I wanted to respond.

  • ladonna
    A good point needs to be highlighted regarding communication issues with respect to the single dimensional written word vs multi-dimensional face to face communication. Experts say that about 80% to 90% of what gets communicated is the non-oral body language, tone of voice, mannerisms, etc. When we are reduced to the written word alone, coupled with not personally knowing one another, we are unconsciously forced to overlay "our own" emotional state of mind onto what the author writes. It takes very skilled writing to reduce this reaction in the reader’s mind, and it takes a very conscious effort on the part of the reader to resist this and read the material in various tones to try and extract the most likely emotion being communicated.

    I can relate to this. So many times I have been misinterpreted in the written word. People who have spoken to me personally by phone from this forum are quite astounded at the difference and their own perception of who they "thought" I was. In context with only vocal intonations; the entire conversations were different. In this Amazing is 100% correct. Body language is also a very strong human communicator.

    My Current Views of Life: In the over 9 years since I left the JWs I have gone through a continuing series of discoveries, learning curves, and personal changes. I believe that, with few exceptions, anyone who has been a JW for more than 20 years is not going to walk away with an instantaneous personality overhaul. Realistically, it just takes time, and that time interval from day one of being an ex-JW until a person has made a full recovery and developed in new ways, is different for everyone. Many variables, past experiences, new experiences, availability of information, and emotional readiness all play out differently for each person. In this, I believe, none of us are in a position to judge another.
    I have to agree with this also. After being "out" for approximately 19 years, I still find old JW personality traits within myself, but I also see the freedom from within which at times causes an immense clashing. We have no right to judge others and as Amazing says, we are in no position to judge others. None of us are "healed". Maybe, and this is something I actually perceive as being closer to the truth than I like, we never will be 100% non JW in our personality traits. Particularly those of us that were born into the WTBTS.

    I trained my daughters to stand on their own, be independent, and any relationships they may enter into, to be done as complete equals. I believe in the fundamentals of human rights, and especially as these apply to women’s rights. Our society in general has come a long way, and it has more improvement to make. My daughter who posts here as “Amazing Progeny” let me know today that any woman on JWD who tries to paint me into a “male chauvinist” corner will get a butt kicking from her, because she says that they just do not know me. I did not solicit that from her --- it was her own thoughts she volunteered.
    Tina, you know I love ya, but I see no harm in one sharing family viewpoints as Amazing has done here. I wish that my own father had had the insight to do as Amazing did for his daughters. It would have saved much heartache. We are here to share with each other. Not condemn and judge.
    I do not in all sincerity see this as an egotistical post on the part of Amazing. We all have an "ego" and that is a healthy part of human psychological make-up. Therefore, it would be ludicrous to suggest that our ego's not be part of our posts; they are part of our human psych.

    I do not belong to any religion because I cannot accept such “organizationalizing” of spiritual things. I am not sure I can accept much of the Bible as the Word of God, and this creates serious consternation because if I do not accept one part, how can I accept any part. While I believe in God (or some kind of higher intelligent power) I am not sure I really know God anymore, or at least I am unsure of and confused about HER or HIS or IT’s purposes for, and relationship with, humans. So my search and discovery and learning and adjusting continue – and as this takes place, I find a little JW-ism here and there that requires purging out of my system. I admit it and understand it. But, again, I have come a long way baby!
    In taking up with organized religion one has to accept the whole; the entirety. That is something I feel loathe to even touch.
    In the latter part of Amazings paragraph above, there is a clear non-egotistical statement. He admitts that he finds JW-isms. Don't we all still have them???
    How many have grudges against elders that carry over into our XJW lives?
    I could easily have gone to that place, but caught myself in time from doing so. Not ALL elders were oppressive.

    Eventually, I realized that Amnesian’s 12 page post was not so much about me, because she does not know me, but rather, was about something inside her that emerged when my initial post appeared. She needed to vent. And I became the”Elder in Effigy” that she could burn. It was understandable and convenient. Nevertheless, she did post some good points, and I believe she is most sincere. Now that I have had time to reflect and listen to some wisdom from various people, both on and off board, my task now is to treat her post with the respect and equality it deserves, and make a full reply. Not everything she said requires rebuttal, because she and I agree on a number of points. But, I will reply to “everything she said” so as to make sure nothing gets overlooked, lest I risk being accused by some of ‘blowing her off’ on some point.
    This paragraph is an example of what I question in regards to our own feminine issues.

    Do we women carry grudges against people like Amazing that were once Elders; reminding us subconsciously of what was done to us by another elder that had no sense of reasoning or human feeling, or for that matter any real christian values????

    The one and only reason I bring this up to my fellow females is because I came within a hairs breath of hating anyone whom had been an elder. This is whether he was no longer a JW or not.

    Fortunatley, I did not allow that to occur. But I sense that perhaps Amnesian was venting and Amazing became a vehicle.

    Thankyou to Amazing for this rebuttal post. I don't think I have posted on any of your threads before bar one, therefore, no one can suggest that I am "doing Amazing a favor".

    Just telling it as I see it; my humble opinion only.


    Apologies for any confusion, I replied with this answer on Amazing's other thread as I had two windows open....:DUH

  • waiting

    Hello Amazingex,

    Are you the Other Daughter? Or did you change names? Anyway, glad to meet you. Like Ana, I responded on another thread (as there are several going simultaneously on this subject).

    I think as persons, we see things black/white. I think as jw's, or xjw's, we *really* see things that way sometimes. It's very hard to see all the gray areas, or that what is ok in one situation, is not in another situation.

    Amazing comes across like a man.....and there's nothing wrong with that. If it weren't for our egos.....most of us wouldn't have any life, eh? And we all have egos. But for the vast majority of times, Amazing comes across also as balanced person.....and who can ask for more? And who of us delivers anything more than "most of the time?"

    When we post here, it DOES become personal, particularily if we feel that we're being pictured unfairly - so emotions can become involved. It also becomes personal when a subject hits "close to home" - and we respond from personal knowledge from "our" side of the argument. Emotions become involved in the real world, so it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't become involved here also, particularily if we're trying to present a true picture of ourselves.

    I agree with you, Amnesian made good points - but not 100% accurate. I also agree with you, Amazing is a valuable asset - evening amazing a time or two....but not 100% accurate. Would seem that they're both human, both articulate & intelligent, and both make good points.

    If you've had the opportunity to read the other threads, I think you'll see that there's a balance of pro/con posts, as this is a touchy area.

    I wish I could post half as well as either Amazing or Amnesian! And when I mention to my kids about what's going on in the board, they just shrug and say "Walk away." Agreeing with you that you were not asked to come here - just saying that it's not looked upon with negativity either.


  • TweetieBird

    I whole-heartedly agree with EVERYTHING ladonna said, She spoke the truth.

    I do not know Amazing, nor do I know Amnesian, Julie, or Tina, so I I can speak without bias.

    Each one of you offers a great deal to this board. Your wisdom, intelligence and knowledge has benefitted so many. But the past few days have been disheartening to me. I thought I was leaving pettiness and jealousy behind when I stopped attending meetings.

    I probably have not read all of the posts between Amnesian and Amazing over the past few days, nor do I want to. My personal opinion, thus far is that there is a lot of hair splitting going on. It seems to me that Amazing, in his own way, is trying to best defend what was posted by Amnesian. He stated that he will deal with EACH issue that was raised, in his own due time. Shouldn't we give him the courtesy to do that, instead of attacking his every post?

    As far as I can tell, his character WAS attacked and he is trying to defend it. I would do the same, as would Amnesian, Julie and Tina. There are a lot of newly wounded soon-to-be Ex-JW's coming to this board. Everyday there seems to be a newbie. This place needs to be a refuge for them, just as it was for us when we started out.

    So please, ladies, allow Amazing to finish his rebuttal to Amnesian's post. Then, when he is finished, try to address issues that you disagree with without personal attacks. I still need this board.

  • Julie


    You presume too much. I came to this board with an objective view. I was never a JW and have never been discriminated against regularly for my gender (very little if at all actually). I did not have such a handicap (bias) when I began reading Amazing's words. I do not think Amazing has such a problem with women as he does in conceding a point.

    Considering the threat from the one daughter and your completely objective (not), unsolicited (let us say "inspired")testimonial from you, we are hardly to be expected to disbelieve what objective opinions (based on reading lots of Amazing's words) may be among us over that.

    I wonder who wil show up next...Grandma? Uncle Bill?

    Julie, who has taken the time to explain her views and sees no one taking the time to address said explanations......


    Waiting--No, I'm not the other daughter. I appreciate what you said and agree with you. I also agree with what the other posts after mine said. (Does that make sense? I'm getting really tired and thinking is getting too hard.)

    Care to guess again as to my identity?



    I presume too much? What did I presume? I have simply known Amazing longer, and much better, than anyone on this board. I have heard him concede points on occassions too numerous to count. What difference does it make if a relative sides with another relative? Are the relatives of posters not inteligent enough to make up their own minds on issues or are you presuming that relatives are prejudiced on behalf of the poster? Can't relatives be objective? By the way, I'm not a relative.

  • waiting


    Naaaaaaaa, I'm an ex-wife.....and I don't think - really don't think - I'd made a post like that about MY ex.

    Stab 'em dead - now I could post that! *Just joking* for the serious minded folks around here! Well, maybe half-joking anyway.

    Nice to meet you anyway!

    Happy New Year.


  • patio34

    Hi Amazing,

    I see no need for a rebuttal to Amnesian's thread. It's like lawyers in court making their final summations. The points have been made and that's all for now folks! Both have valid points of view. As Waiting put it, 'i wish i could post as well as either Amazing and Amnesian.' You both have contributed much to the discussion, but it's over, imo. Sometimes, it becomes pointless to beat it to death.

    Just my thoughts,

    "It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the world." (from "Stuart Saves His Family")

  • Julie

    Greetings to all,

    Amazing Ex, I say you presume too much in that you assume that Amazing's "points" (what points?) hit a soft spot and some of us are on the defense. As you and Ladonna need to know, not all of us were JWs hence we don't have those old soft spots to deal with. Have you read the threads dear or are you simply reacting to what you've been told about them? You may note I merely came in intially to say that Amnesian made some rebuttals to Amazing's comments (her "blind-siding" post was merely a rebuttal), Amazing alleged dishonesty on Amnesian's part (and pay close attention here dear, this is where *I* come in), and then disappeared. When he re-appeared he seemd to have everything *but* his rebuttal. I merely urged honesty and forthrightness in reply. We have yet to see such. Tell me, do you approve of someone coming in saying "Liar!" and then not backing such up? How would you feel? If this person making these allegations promised they would back this up soon would you not expect him to keep his word and do so? This is what I have been asking him to do but it seems he cannot.

    Patio, IF Amazing had just not replied at all to Amnesian's post that would be *almost* acceptable (though it would look a bit cowardly) but the reason a reply is pretty much required is *because* of the comments he *did* make about it. Kind of like pleading the 5th. Once you start talking you cannot go back and plead the 5th anymore. Besides, I think Amnesian's post opened new frontiers in discussion here, far from beating something to death. All that's being beaten to death here is Amazing's fanfare-style prep for rebuttal, which apparently, after all this, we won't be getting anyhow.

    Amazing Ex, you said:

    Amnesian- In your 12 page post I see inteligence, wit, passion, anger and, yes, ego. Should I conclude that you are egocentric? Or should I realize that your passion and/or anger emphasize a 'normal' ego?

    See let me illustrate the difference here. Yes, we all know full well that Amnesian's post was 12 pages long (Amazing has been dragging that cross about the board for days). Amazing has submitted several pages since then. Her post has kicked off an incredible discussion regarding several important, been-kicked-under-the-rug-far-too-long issues, up to it's 6th page now I think (?). Amazing's posts amount to an offer of reconcilaition on *HIS* terms and much bluster about how he's *going* to address it all and a great deal of talk all about HIM. He seems to be rather puzzled as to why his posts all about him, his philosophies and his growth have not drawn the sort of response the thought provoking post by Amnesian has. Yes, Amazing has his redeeeming qualities, we all do. However I guess all the posters here do not think that Amazing and his redeeming qualities are riveting enough to go on for 6 or 7 pages.

    Do you see the differences in the content of the posts? Can you?

    Lastly, no I do not think an ex-wife or a daughter can have an unbiased view of a man. I know my dad was just short of a God in my eyes and I would be rather unable to see his faults (if he had any ). Sorry but you and she will never qualify as unbiased character references about Amazing. It is human nature and that is unchanging.


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