My friend's girlfriend is visited by JWs at least once a month. She is not interested in JWs but is friendly and always willing to talk. They came by last Friday and saw her boyfriend's car so the husband also came over (usually the JW lady comes with another 'sister'). The husband asked my friend if he would like to study and was told no. My friend wants to know the effective way to keep the JWs away....although his girlfriend is probably too nice to tell them not to come back. Any suggestion?
how to keep JWs away
by isaacaustin 17 Replies latest jw friends
My friend wants to know the effective way to keep the JWs away
Answering the door with a glass of blood and a ouija board under her arm ought to do the trick...
White Dove
Answer the door and start screaming. Don't stop until they have pulled out of your driveway.
Are they neighbors? I got that vibe when you said the husband saw the boyfriend's car and came over.
They could still be friendly as long as religion is not discussed. One would have to make that clear sooner or later. No discussion of religion. If the dubs are insulted by that, they'll become scarce. Mission accomplished. If they're okay with being neigborly without the religion coming up, then it's still all good.
If this is a JW calling in service and your friends have become part of a return visit route, then as long as they're nice to them, they'll keep coming back. They did the right thing by refusing the study, but as long as they seem to enjoy the visits to any degree, the dubs will keep coming back. It's a return visit and a couple of mag placements.
Your friends are gonna have to be firm. "We've decided that the JW religion is not for us and we no longer wish to discuss the matter." They have to remember the JWs don't want to be friends, they're looking for converts. They're sales people. Would you want sales people, no matter how courteous or nice, continually calling on you when you don't want to buy anything?
I agree with undercover. I was thinking if that didn't work, they could always put up a sign by their door saying they don't want to discuss religion or something. Even though a study was rejected, the witnesses will think that in time they will accept since they are so nice or even secretly study with them without them knowing.
Start talking about the Satanic rituals you enjoy taking part in. Ask the "brother and sister if they they would like to attend a swingers evening. Tell them that your guiding spirit has told you to keep them on door so they can't talk to people who would be genuinely interested in converting.
is there help out there
See my post below. I always engoy messing with there mind`s
Hang upside-down pentacles by your front door and a sign that says, "A witch lives here."
Or better yet, "Attack dog on premises." When I was a dub, I would never even approach a property that had dog warning signs.
Go to the bookstore, buy a copy of "Crisis of Conscience" and leave it out where they can see it. Either they'll leave or you can start talking about what's in it. Either way its a win.
Go to the bookstore, buy a copy of "Crisis of Conscience" and leave it out where they can see it. Either they'll leave or you can start talking about what's in it. Either way its a win.