
by rockmehardplace 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • rockmehardplace

    saw a topic on dating earlier. made me think of chaperones. i always hated having someone with us when we went to do anything. still do. any good chaperone stories?

    i have one. wanted to go to a concert and bought two tickets. my wife, who i just started dating, was really excited. we mentioned to a brother where we were going. he went insane finding out we were going by ourselves. it was so bad, i ended up selling the two tickets and buying three to take a chaperone with us and the seats were horrible. the first seats i had were very close to the stage. the couple we sold the tickets to were in our congo and to this day, they still talk about how they were the best seats they ever had.

  • creativhoney

    I wasnt allowed to phone the man I was engaged to be married to unless my parents were present in the room.

    he phoned me on a tues and thurs about 6. - i had to take the call in mums room while they were getting ready for the meeting.

  • blondie

    If you had gone in separate cars, this was a public place so you had hundreds of chaperones. Then going home in separate cars or to a restaurant another public place and going home in separate vehicles.

    What fools!

    *** w99 9/1 p. 18 par. 15 Youths—Train Your Perceptive Powers! ***If you are dating, you are wise to avoid being alone with your prospective mate under inappropriate circumstances. So it may be best to enjoy each other’s association in a group setting or in public places.

  • Lillith26

    I'am going to risk have stones thrown at me here for saying this, but I have to be honest... I do feel that for teenagers (14-17), having a chaperone, or going on group dates is not such a bad thing... It does give young adults a safer environment to get to know the person they are dating as well as helping to prevent teen pregnancy... It's like a safe practise run before they are old enough (legal age) to 'go out alone' on a date that could lead to physical activities....

    The 'no sex before marriage' is a personal choice and not one that I made for myself (hehehe). But I would like to see my children make more responsible choices with dating and not starting a sexual relationship untill they are old enough, mature minded enough to handle the emotional side of that type of relationship...

    As for adults being chaperoned

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    A sister was in her 70's and a soon to be baptized brother was in his 80's. They were dating seriously and, you guessed it, took chaperones to McDonald's and everywhere else they would be "alone" at otherwise. Idiots.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I agree with you on this one. Teen pregnancy could be avoided using the chaperone rule. 18 would mean no chaperones. I like this rule.

  • lancelink

    i ended up selling the two tickets and buying three to take a chaperone with us and the seats were horrible. the first seats i had were very close to the stage. the couple we sold the tickets to were in our congo and to this day, they still talk about how they were the best seats they ever had.

    MY GOD MAN !

    what the He** were you thinking at the time, and who did you go see ??

  • finallysomepride

    When I was dating the unbaptised 'sister' who became my wife (never baptised), now seperated, we never had a chaperone, elders knew, didn't seem to care, i was probably to much bother, as i've said in other theads i always stayed under the jw radar. Came very close to being caught doin it tho one nite.............

  • WTWizard

    Chaperones are a good idea--for children and for those who otherwise might just plain get left out. For two adults that are seriously looking into marriage, a chaperone at all times simply is a killjoy.

  • BluesBrother

    I have to admit that around where we lived, the chaperone idea was something that we paid lip service to, but did not really do it. People may have avoided being alone together in a house (mostly) but being out or in a restaurant was o k

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