I mentioned the 2 nosy JW elders poking around my house 2 weeks ago (and posted a week ago here..and cannot believe it hit 2100+ views)...
let me add this disturbing update...no..no JC yet....no word from the 2 old lackeys either...
My fiancee and her son and I were at a winery/restaraunt last Sunday (a bad place for an 8yo...overpriced food unappreciated by a kid) when I looked over at the next table on the rooftop deck, overlooking the Illinois River, and seen what appeared to be 2 JWs ladies and an obviously not JW man with them... on closer look, the one woman was a single JW sister who had a thing for me....and I was chairman of her JC for fornication (NOT with me...LOL).... and another sister..and her non-JW hubby...
I am certain that the single sister seen me but didn't say anything. I actually recognized the UBM first. As they were leaving, the married JW sister came over...I introduced my fiancee....and the dub could not help but mention this "wonderful" JW elder that moved into their congo at the request of the CO....he is wonderful like roaches are wonderful.....but I digress. I really don't care. My fiancee was bugged at this intrusion.
Fast forward a few days later and I meet my fiancee for brunch at her job. As we are sitting there, another nosy JW sister came up to us...again, I introduce my fiancee and she asks when we are getting married...normal question...... but then I leave and my fiancee goes back to work....
and my fiancee tells me when she gets home that the JW sister comes back around after I left and started harassing her about "when are you getting married?, where are you getting married? I guess if Rich doesn't go to the KH you all are having a courthouse ceremony...."/.... then it gets worse...she says about my mother..."you will like Rich's mom....once you get used to her ...she is nice in her own way."....
WTF? What business does she have asking about that? Only at the request of my fiancee do I not go knock on that bi**hes door and tell her off or go the the KH and bust in on one of their cult meetings and tell them all off.... my fiancee does not want me to cause trouble because it happened at her job and she is required to be nice to all the customers.
I told my fiancee: "Next time a nosy ass JW gets in your business...ask them if they want the real "411"....then tell them to look up 1 Thessalonians 4:11 in their own bible...and turn around and walk away."
They have a lot of balls doing that to her..... putting her in that position... I wonder if they will look up that scripture? lol
Snakes (Rich )