Did YOU Disturb The Consciences Of Others?

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    LOL Ninja, you just reminded me. I got counseled for having bad breath too, by an elder who hated garlic. After that I made it a point to go out for souvlaki dinner before a lot of meetings. I'd ask for double tzaziki sauce, and sit directly behind that elder. Several times he and his wife grabbed their things and ran off to the other side of the hall.


  • blondie

    So Nexus, can I assume you are a guy?

  • cantleave

    I was counselled for having long hair when I was a teenager and then for going for a crew cut when I started losing my hair in my 30's. Both times the reason was I settimng a bad example for other to follow. Both times I ignored the counsel.

  • LongHairGal

    I was counseled about clothing and was expected to hide my figure better, so I guess I disturbed somebody's conscience. LOL.

    Towards the end of my tenure in the religion, I found myself getting tired of overly sensitive people who always took offense at every stupid thing. In some cases, I felt they were arrogant and this was a way to control people around them. I got tired of walking on eggshells and having to watch what I said because certain people had serious issues. In fact, my intelligence was insulted so many times that I would have to say that they were disturbing MY conscience. I felt I was expected to make people feel good at MY expense and believe me this was a one-way street! I just couldn't be ME around certain people.

    It got to the point that I even told somebody that they should 'pray to Jehovah if certain things bothered them'.

  • Nexus

    My theory was if I were to gel my hair so that it was going straight up, thus making me about 10 foot tall in the process, but this way I would have tall hair rather than long, and it doesn't ever mention tall hair in the bible :D cunning or what! Oh yea, and my beard was apparently no good either.

  • AGuest

    I piqued, pricked, tweeked, bothered, messed with AND, yes, disturbed some consciences. But the truth tends to do that, sometimes. Praise JAH!

    A slave of Christ,


  • gubberningbody

    I was counseled with regard to "sounding like I relied on human wisdom".

    I blamed it on the dastardly effects of higher education and being raised by educated secular humanists who plied my immature mind from infancy with shelf upon shelf of books.

    I confessed that my parents at an early age further corrupted me by getting me my own library card at the age of seven.

    No one thought me funny.

  • ziddina

    At 13 I wore fishnet stockings to the KH [which were mentioned from the podium next week], at 18 stayed out all night with some guy studying with the JWs [he eventually got baptised; guess I didn't stumble him hard enough], at 21 rode on an all-night bicycle trip with 3 JW guys - no escort, and in early 30's got fed up and left without an explanation. Just a letter saying "I no longer wish to be associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses"...

    Sure hope I stumbled some people... Zid


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I disturbed the conscience of the elder body when I would call on members of the congregation by their first names when I had parts at the meetings or when conducting the book/bible study.

    For example, Brother James, Sister Janice, Brother Richard, Sister Samantha... (iso using their family names, Brother Smith, Sister Jackson).

    They couldn't use the Bible to any satisfaction for their rebuttal, but only some articles from the Talmud Watchtower as their authority.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • moshe

    If a JW conscience can be compared to a pleasant slumber, then yes, I rattled their chain!

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