JW members and 401Ks...

by diana netherton 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quillsky

    Nice balanced post Jackie.

  • TheSilence

    Why thank you, Quillsky ;)

  • garyneal

    Jehovah's Witnesses have the most unbalanced outlook on life that I have ever seen. I see the incongruities in my wife's behavior verses what she was taught too. I use to call her out on it thinking that she too will see the incongruity and realize something is not right. That relies on logic and reasonableness and JW's are often devoid of both when it comes to their religion.

    Now, I have learned to just keep my mouth shut when I see her doing things that she ought to do in spite of the contradictions of her faith. Her dad's estatic that she joined the religion but deep down inside I know it is not going to make her happy.

    The advice here is good. Your mom may be harboring doubts but it is doubtful she will let you or herself know about them. Thought stopping techniques will be employed in her mind should any of these doubts surface. Maybe she'll find a way out but I would not hope for it. Too many other things in life to hope for.

    For the record, my in-laws have not been saving for their retirement either. I hope they at least pay off the house and are able to make it on social security. I know my wife will want to swoop in and help solve their problems with our money like it's hers alone. I guess we'll just deal with that when it comes.

  • straightshooter

    Even the WTS continues to build, build, build, though they repeatedly say that the end is right around the corner.

  • garyneal

    The WTS could really help in this regard by publishing magazine articles that encourage making wise choices even though the end may be just around the corner. Given their recent new light on the generation teaching, I would think that they may be instructing their rank and file to be a little more prudent when it comes to matters like this.

  • snowbird

    Proverbs 22:3 Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty. NWT

    Proverbs 22:3 A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks;
    a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered. MSG

    Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge,
    but the simple keep going and suffer for it. NIV


  • blondie

    *** g75 11/8 pp. 12-13 How to Make Retirement Rewarding ***After a man reaches the age of sixty-five he can expect to live, on an average, some thirteen years more; a woman can hope to live seventeen years more. Of course, for the 25 percent (in the United States) that keep on working, retirement poses no immediate problem, but it may well do so for the rest. Retirement marks a big change in one’s life and therefore one should plan and prepare for it, even as one planned and prepared for marriage and for one’s career in life. Says one authority on the subject: "You should condition yourself [for it] emotionally, financially, and even physically . . . If a good job of preplanning was done before retirement, a lot of these problems would go out the window." One noted financial institution, the Royal Bank of Canada, recommends that you begin learning about retirement at the age of forty. The new EncyclopædiaofOccupationalHealthandSafety, issued by the International Labor Organization, states that you should begin planning at least five years ahead of time. And an Australian labor publication recommends that for a happy old age you should begin while still a teen-ager by adopting a balanced diet.



    Planning for retirement involves a number of factors. To begin with, there is the matter of income. Today most persons living in developed countries can expect to receive some form of "Social Security." This may be enough to live on even though it may amount to only half of what you had been earning. Can you exact a pension? That will help.Planning ahead may also mean having savings in a bank, investing in insurance and in stocks or bonds or real estate. All such aids are in keeping with the Biblical injunction to consider the ant, which makes provision during summer and harvesttime for the winter ahead.—Prov. 6:6-8.

    This is one of those cases where the WTS speaks out of both sides of their mouth. They encourage people to early retire or live frugal lives. There is acutally little said about reitrement except in for the public magazines such as the Awake.. Realize that those at Bethel have not paid into social security. When they leave, they have to work 10 years full-time to be able to draw social security.

    jws I know in the generation above me are glad they planned for retirement as they enter their 80's.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    All that money I was donating to the Cong & WTS sure did add up 15 yrs later, when it started going into my 401K instead.

    Think About It

  • undercover

    Blondie - I noticed the quote was from November of 75. After it was apparent that Armageddon wasn't coming. I wonder if this was a case of trying to deflect the argument that they were the ones who encouraged people to quit jobs, sell houses and pioneer in "the time remaining"? Now they could say, "Brothers, we give you food at the proper time" though it was actually too late in this case for many people

  • blondie

    So how much did you donate? Many ex-jws here say they never donated a dime and based on what my husband the accounts servant reported about the congregations he was in, few did donate.

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