I was one of the fortunate ones,while still a dyed in the wool true beleiver,I obtained a position in an oil co.who had at that time a voluntary superannuation scheme going.I still beleived the big A was imminent,but hey I was not a saver,so contributing was like a forced savings for me.What I didn`t get in my take home pay I wouldnt miss.I was 40 yrs old,a lovely wife and two great boys ,no savings.The yr 1979 surely the big A was just around the corner.I walked away from the cult in 1993 and contimued working 3 yrs passed retirement age to 2007,with enough money to pay outright a house and have a nice investment in retirement. Like I said I was one of the lucky ones.
I feel very sad for those who have spent a lifetime in service to the cult and end up with nothing in their old age.