God will end all suffering! when?how? Dec 1/09 wt

by bobld 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Another scam. Jehovah claims to have created all things for our enjoyment, yet He has so many stupid rules against using them. He will resort to using force of circumstance, church and government rules, and a needlessly crap economy to do just this--depriving innocent people of all this "enjoyment". And then He has the nerve to order people to waste more time and money proclaiming a message of false hope, preventing even more enjoyment.

    And, since when is it my fault if the opposite sex is turned off before I even encounter them, or they are all prevented from ever encountering me in the first place? Jehovah had better fix this problem before I end up getting recaptured by the witlesses--and/or we end up being sold to the Muslims as part of a side effect (the same force used to keep the opposite sex away from me also causes people to vote in the DUMP-o-CRAPs after Carter showed us how lousy they are).

  • PSacramento

    God gives us the strength to fix our problems, I for one would not want God to fix the mess WE made.

    I know my role and responsibility in the mess we have, all I ask is for help and the strength to fix it.

    I don't expect or want God to do it, I grew out of having others fix my problems when I became an adult.

    Lets be honest here, how many think that, IF people wanted to fix global hunger ( for example) they couldn't?

    Are we willing to pay that price though?

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    So what are we supposed to do? Tell the 800 million people

    that go hungry every night that eventually (probably not in their lifetime)

    they'll be fed, that they need to trust in God? I don't know about you lot,

    but God certainly doesn't pay my bills. Yes, you can argue that God put lots of

    varities of food on the planet, BUT you need money to buy it.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Just another one of many of the WTS. exploitations to feed themselves.

    Man is the only one that can bring an end to his own suffering.

  • Mary

    Awen said: Wisdom that tells us that if we were protected from all hardships, we would be robots, with no creativity. We wouldn't appreciate all that He has done for us because we wouldn't have anything to compare it to.

    Sorry, this doesn't wash with me. No one's asking God to protect us from "all hardships". Hey, if you trip and scrape your knee, it's not a big deal as it'll heal. But what if you trip, crack your neck and end up like Christopher Reeve? Any particular reason God would rather sit there and do nothing rather than extend a helping hand?? Is this so that we "don't end up like robots"? Pretty shitty reason if you ask me.

    Consider that we hear in the news of people watching others doing nothing while someone is beaten or raped until one brave person steps in and calls the police or personally intervenes

    Ever see the last episode of Seinfeld? The one where they're all arrested for failing to come to the assistance of a guy who's just been robbed? We are disgusted when we hear of bystanders doing nothing to help someone out like this, but why doesn't God lead by example and help out with all the suffering on this planet? Where's God when a 5 year old is getting repeatedly raped by their father? Where's God when a tornado flattens their home and kills all their family? Where was God when my sister, brother and brother in law all died before their time? He didn't do squat----he just sat there and watched and let them all die. So why should I give a crap about God anymore?

    God is alive and lives inside each one of us. You just have to stop and listen.

    Tried that recently. I didn't see or feel God anywhere near me. Probably because I don't think he gives a shit about us.

  • BluesBrother

    Read this once on this board, I will try and re tell it -

    "Little Xi was a normal little girl living in China,just a normal happy kid. She was brought up to follow the religion of her family. She had hardly heard of Jesus and certainly not heard of the Watchtower Society..One day the angel of Jehovah came down with his "instrument for smashing " in his hand. The day had arrived.

    The angel stood before little Xi, "Sorry kid, but I have to kill you. You have not followed the right religion. The grey suits in Brooklyn are getting life , You missed out" ..The angel did his job...... "

    Sound familiar? Could you love a God like that ?

  • Awen

    There is alot I don't understand as to why things are the way they are.

    At one time in my life I took the standpoint of Gnostic Christianity that YHWH is a pretender god and is either delusional or just doesn't care about humanity. According to certain Gnostic schools of thought, most notably the Valentinian one, Jesus was sent to earth by Sophia, (described as the personification of Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs) to save humanity from Yahweh. Sophia is part of GUD (Great Unknown Deity) and She gave birth to Yahweh, but he thinks he is the only one of his kind and so acts accordingly. He created mankind and revels in our suffering. Jesus came to aleviate that. Since he is an offspring of Sophia also (like Yahweh), he shares certain traits with Yahweh, but in a positive way, hence the references in the Bible of Jesus being like the Father, etc.

    The Gospel of St Thomas is said to be a Gnostic text. I've read it and it paints a very different picture of Christianity and the Kingdom of God. Basically it says the Kingdom of God is already here and has been since Jesus' time and that it exists in each one of us. Jesus tells us that we must become born-again, or rather enlightened to the Truth about Yahweh or we will never be able to be happy and enter into paradise with him and the others of the GUD. The other Gnostic texts, such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Judas shows a 1st century Christianity that had female ministers and Mary was appointed as the head of the new religion after Jesus' death but was waylaid by Peter because of his jealousy over her intimate relationship with Christ (I'm not referring to the Da Vinci Code exhortation that they were husband and wife), but rather that she understood Jesus better and was more spiritually mature than the others. The Gospel of Judas tells that Jesus asked Judas to betray him so that the scriptures about him would be fulfilled and that by doing so Judas would be maligned for all time by Christians, yet Jesus saw it as a sacred act which would ensure Judas' salvation and the truth of the matter would come out near the end of days.

    So yeah, my explanation is based off of limited knowledge, what I glean from the Bible and what I have taken from other sources. I do not purport to understand the justification of the suffering of billions, when with one sweep of His hand God could say "Enough. It has been accomplished!"

    I just Hope that the Gnostics are wrong and there is a God who really cares and he has a very good explanation as to why things are this way and why he never acted sooner.

    I HOPE.

    Also I apologize to anyone if my seemingly JW words offended anyone, such was not my intention. I will dance a happy dance on the WTS grave when it is finally destroyed once and for all.

    George Carlin has a great vid about this on youtube.com "Religion is Bullshit".

    I would post the link but I use a firefox browser which doesn't allow copy and paste.

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