i won't be going if i can help it, but id like a heads up about it, just to be forewarned
when is the memorial this year? and will you be going?
by highdose 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Will be next year, Nisan 14, and nope, not going.
probably, the answer is Yes, but it can change to NO. Who knows?
Quote from fokyc on this thread
Kingdom Ministry 12/08 page 7 Announcements
Please note that the Memorial for the year 2010 will be on Tuesday, March 30, after sundown.
And no, I will most probably not go.
2002 was my last time and yes 2002 was my very last time, i hope, i mean i never plan to attend again LOL
Kingdom Ministry 12/08 page 7 Announcements
"Please note that the Memorial for the year 2010 will be on Tuesday, March 30, after sundown."
I will not be attending!
Haven't been for 9 years.
Could never understand jws that come for only that day. Or why their family thought it would do any good. The talk is boring and the "friendliness" is fakey. I saw elders who never move their bottoms toward a rank and file member all year long suddenly meet and great and shake hands with new and "returning" people while still ignoring the ones who come every week. One year the CO attended the congregation I was in for the memorial. The bs really flowed then.
no..havent been in 2 years ...much to my JW mom's dismay.
wouldnt want the local yokels have any hope that I might return....the 2 idiots that came by 2 weeks ago might start in on me.
wouldn't go to that borefest if you paid me.
Snakes (Rich )
This year? A bit too late, it has been. Next year is another question, and yes, I will.
last time I went was Apr 2006.....