Jarka case: Murrieta, Calif. JW convicted of murder will be focus of 20-20 segment Friday

by AndersonsInfo 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Been busy, Babygirl.

    Don't this shit make you sick too? See them covering their ass cos Jehovah (we all know it's just those ignorant men behind the curtain) might look bad in the media? Jehovah is the Big Boy. All he has to do is hold out His hand and silence them. Right?

  • purplesofa


    a reminder for tonight

  • purplesofa

    I just listened to the 911 call,

    I think its weird he mentioned burglary over his wife not breathing.

    I am sure he was in a weird state of mind, but the whole 911 call was strange to me.


  • flipper

    Bumping this up to remind people to watch if at all possible ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Balaamsass
  • williamhconley

    I wonder if the elder that was called the night before to help the Jarkas testified in court. Jarka was serving as an elder and was having serious financial problems. His wife confronted him the night before she was murdered about an inapropriate relationship the elder husband Jarka was having with a female member of the only true religion on earth. The discussion was so heated that they called an elder to come and help mediate the situation. He was there as late at 2-3 am. By coincidence, that same morning he went to by milk formula for the children (although there was milk in the house or formula). When he came back someone had killed his wife. Whats upsetting about this case is that the Watchtower policy is NOT to talk to the police especially if elders have information such as a confession from Jarka, where the knife was hidden etc. If the elder in question were to be subpoened to testify, the Watchtower legal department would tell him not to talk and claim ecclesiastical privilege (although WT claims they have no clergy and all are brothers). So this way they not only protect molesters but murderers as well. Sorry I have to go and prepare for service to bring more people to this religion. BTW anyone thats criticizes the Watchtower is mentally diseased and will not receive everlasting life. W.H.Conley

  • williamhconley

    Sorry for messy paragraph but im answering from.my phone.

  • Finkelstein

    Does it matter, the prosecution had plenty of evidence.

    The prick murdered his wife by bashing her head in and tried to fake no involvement so he would collect life insurance money and get out of debt.

    The marriage was in bad shape, so he probably thought he would double win by finding another wife and cash in at the same time.

    And you can bet he had in mind of using his religious attachment to make himself appear innocent and righteous. He also assumed the police

    investigating the incident were stupid, they weren't.

  • Dagney

    I believe the court did not grant the elder ecclesiastical privilege because they share the information with anyone in the hierarchy.

    Its a horribly sad story.

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