One poster on the other thread said the elders are now destroying all records of all disfellowshipped people. Is that true?
records of disfellowshipped people being destroyed?
by asilentone 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No Longer Held Captive
Yes, it was me. that posted it. Yes, they are destroying records now of disfellowshipped people, and it was Besty that originally brought this issue to light, but he doesnt give a stuff if his records are destroyed or not, like me, he wont be going back, and with moving away, very far away, the chances of being found are nil.
But yes, all records are now destroyed, suppose it could have something to do with suing them for wrong doing, dont know, but if they destroy the records, its like you dont exist or have never been part of the church, dont know the reasoning behind it? Maybe besty will know? But, this is just another part of wbts warped thinking. The bible talks about those that know they originate with God, well, you could say they do, but not the God of the bible, but the god that rules this world and whose spirit operates in the sons of disobedience, just like the spirit of God operates within the sons that really are obedient to him. Its just warped thinking. Who knows why they do it? But, its not new, its been on the go for a while.
But, unfortunately, like Hitler, another control freak, they kept records of their child abusers, like Hitler kept records of the beats me why they didnt destroy those?????
The elders don't have to keep the records of JC's indefinitely. This is all I could find in the general pubs.
*** km 2/74 p. 8 Question Box ***
Judicial matters: Confidential correspondence dealing with serious judicial matters should be kept in a safe place, accessibleonlytoelders.It should be retained for at least five years from the date a case is handled to its completion, or longer if the elders deem it advisable in certain cases.
White Dove
If they destroy the records, then how can df'd people go back to the original congregation and appeal if they don't have the records that say they were there and df'd in the first place?
White Dove, I think an elder should answer that. I do know that they try to have the original 3 elders who handled the df'ing also handle any reinstatement. There are usually not that many dfings each year and each elder does not sit on each case. I would think that they remember a lot. As to what kind of notes are kept, an elder would have to answer that. I know that they are only kept by one elder on the committee and they are not supposed to be elaborate.
Remember I am only reporting what I have found in the publications. I don't make the rules.
Hmmmmm... They're destroying records of df'd ones?? Does that mean that I - as a DA'd person - may be able to walk back into a KH free as a bird, without anyone knowing that I DA'd myself???
(Long as I stay away from the KH my parents are attending...)
'Cause I've been writing murder mysteries lately - focused on a friend's experiences in a small town in Texas... But I've been thinking about writing murder mysteries based on my - and others - experiences in the WTBTS... I would need to do some research...
And if they've destroyed the record 'marking' me as a DisAssociated person (Apostate), then I could march boldly into the nearest KH and start my research....
Anyone know whether they keep records of DA'd people longer than 5 years? I've been DA'd for over 20 years...
Thanks! Zid
(Whimper, whimper...) I'm trying to find No Longer Held Captive's other post about records of df'd people being destroyed - could someone please point me towards it 'cause I am having trouble finding it... Thanks! Zid
No Longer Held Captive
Its on the keeping the congregation clean and pure post. But why does it need to be five years blondie? sounds like a jail sentence. Or is it as long as their hatred burns for the person concerned, whether is /she was guilty or not? is it biblical, can it be based on the bible, is there solid proof in the bible its for 5 years?
What if womens panty thieving elders that give BJs to their ex-cop dub friends, while at the same time watching sisters and their kids take their clothes off while standing outside the house doing it, does this come into the 5 year time period, or sweeping it under the carpet? This is the point I get lost of what warrants a JC and what doesnt.
I suppose its a bit like appointment to elder really. Is it by spirit, or by nepotism, or something else like sniffing the backsides of each others underpants like dogs sniff each others arses to see and find out who is king pin? if you find this incredulous, dont, because there are stranger things than fiction that actually do happen, and in this very exclusive club. Do you know about bed hopping and wife swapping in a very well known Bethel in Europe?
Thank you! I'm going to post something so I can find it again under "posted on" Zid
White Dove
Our posts crossed in the mail.