records of disfellowshipped people being destroyed?

by asilentone 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • trueblue

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  • besty

    just for the record I don't recall speculating on this.

    happy to be shown otherwise with a link

    its not a subject I have any special knowledge of

  • AllTimeJeff

    This would go against the procedures I knew.

    However, these records were never meant to be kept indefinitely. After 3-5 years of good behavior, they should be destroyed. However, many elders, esp long time SEC do keep a crap load of info.

    There is a liability concern here. If the borg didn't have potential litigation attached, they would probably keep copious notes on everyone. It could be that there is a movement for these records to be kept, filed, and administered at the Service Dept for each country, and the local cong might at best have an indexed list?

    Beats me.

    My guess is, that a letter went out for all BOE to destroy older judicial files, perhaps giving a cut off time of between 2-5 years, unless its a pedophile.

  • peacedog

    From the elder's manual:

    If a baptized person insists that he does not want to be part of the congregation and requests that his name be removed from all our records, we should comply with his request .

    When I DA'd I quoted this and instructed them to remove my name from any and all records they had on file. No idea whether they "complied".

  • AllTimeJeff

    The records in the above quote would not include anything judicial. Disassociation is the same as disfellowshipping in dub land, so records of the resignation will be kept.

    The records referred to are simply lists of congregation members identifying one as a JW. That isn't inclusive of all judicial files that elders may have on you.

    Mine I am sure will be in a file cabinet somewhere in NY as long as this cult exisits.

  • peacedog

    Thanks Jeff. I suspected it wouldn't be that simple..

  • AllTimeJeff

    Just to clarify my earlier comments, anyone who was judicially reproved but now in good standing, or reinstated with no restrictions typically are to have those files destroyed after 3 years or 5 in some cases. Only if there are "special circumstances" would such files be kept indefinitely.

    Anyone disassociated (resigned) or disfellowshipped will always have a filed record of that at the congregation where it took place and at the branch office.

  • isaacaustin

    why? control?

  • AllTimeJeff

    I don't think its about control Isaac. I think its about making sure they keep track of any potential apostate.

    I can see where the potential of litigation may play a role in changes like this in the future. Many KM schools for elders deal with the legal liability reasons elders must do as they do. (insert smart @$$ comment here _________________)

    If there are no files kept, then potentially, a disfellowshipped person can return and claim that it never happened. So for that reason, records are kept. Of course, those very records are potential dynamite in many cases, as we saw with the settled pedophile cases. Judicial records were used against the borg to demonstrate prior knowledge and liability.

    Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Well, we all know JW's are just damned.

  • ziddina

    Wow, peacedog, Blondie, AllTimeJeff, TrueBlue, and others, all of your info is fascinating!! I have a sneaking suspicion [speaking of what I would be doing if I 'went back'....] that the local congregation wouldn't have a clue, especially if I attended one that hasn't been calling on my door recently, as - in a few of my previous posts - I raised some really bizarre and memorable objections.... Probably not effective objections for raising their doubts, but memorable.

    Added to that, my name changed between the time I DA'd and now... I guess the best way to find out would be to go on in, but somehow I can't get over the feeling that I could write the Murder Mysteries from OUTSIDE the congregation, with sufficient research online... Going in just seems repulsive and a waste of time... BUT - I do remember that the dysfunctional family/congregation dynamics were always [well, almost always] fun to watch!

    Groan!! But I'd probably have to have a boring, brain-dead bible study, too, to be 'accepted' as 'proper' association for the JWs in the congregation... Will think about this tomorrow.

    Great information coming out on this thread - VERRRY interesting topic! Zid

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