Emailed Talk From Governing Body Member Last Weekend

by tryingtoexit 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • palmtree67

    My god, no wonder I came home depressed, guilt-ridden and anxious after every assembly.

    I used to think it was because I was such a terrible person and the assembly just confirmed my fate - I was bird food.

    Good riddance to all of that.

    I'm going over to the party thread now.

  • Pistoff

    Yea, so faithful rank and file will study with the family, like we did, and when the kids take a powder Mom and Dad will think they did something wrong, or they will finally see this for what it is, complete horsepucky.

    We had a self righteous elder who said:

    "Look, it's simple; if you study with your kids, they will stay in the truth."

    This elder slept with another elders wife 2 years ago, just blowing 2 marriages apart and splitting the congregation in half.

    Guess his parents must have skipped family study night?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think I just threw up a little

  • ziddina

    Metatron, I like your comment, but I'm going to be a "Buttinski" and add some more details...

    "What, like the elderly Bethelites who served the WTBTS faithfully all through their youth, and are being dumped out on the streets without a pension plan now that they can't keep up with the frenetic pace demanded of them???!

    I tried searching the official WTBTS website for articles/scriptures on growing old in the service of Jehovah, and was amazed at how few articles there were - 7, I think - under that theme. Then it dawned on me - DuH! - Millions Now Living MAY Never Die... JWs all want to believe that they will still be fresh and spry when Armageddon hits - able to outrun those damn meteorites!!



  • tryingtoexit

    I feel all of yall pain, trust me! When I woke up, that was the 1st email in my inbox so I started my day angry. I just been screwfacing people all day, that talk really got underneath my skin, because like somebody stated in this thread. After learning what Ray Fraz said....and I now UNDERSTAND what all of this means as far as the Governing Body it disgust me, I'm still curious how certain dialogue from witnesses can make me feel like I'm going to spit up a vital organ. Like what the hell causes me to feel like??

    I'm just mad all these years I didnt wake up sooner, but I'm only 27 I guess I better get focused on living FOR REAL...

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    Thanks for the post and you are not old. Only 27 years old is so young. I know how you feel but really you are so smart to have woken up at your age. It took me until I was 45, I wish I could have had your common sense when I was 27 instead I was dying to get into Bethel.

    Remember you have a great future ahead of you. LITS

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Good stuff.

    I love hearing that these kinds of talks still exist. I was beginning to worry that the JW movement was getting so mainstream and wishy-washy that it just might survive.

    Talks like this revitalize my hope that she will continue to lose intelligent members until all that are left are the a-holes and the dummies.

    Have a great night everybody!

    I think I am going to have some sleepy time tea and call it a night.


    The Oracle

  • flipper

    ORACLE- Hey bro. Believe me, with wack jobs like Morris , er Jaracz Jr. hand picked on the GB they will NEVER be mainstream. Enjoy your tea and sleep

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Hey Z, I was stupid enough to walk into this cult at about your age

  • HappyGuy

    Since they no longer teach we are in a judgement period, of course we would be resurrected.

    Wow. They really stopped teaching that we live in a judgement period? So, all the people who were told that if they died in a state "not strong in the truth" they would not be resurrected, what happens to them? Let's see, since it is THE TRUTH, then they had to die in judgement, so they won't be resurrected, but now the "TRUTH" has changed, so now they didnt die in judgement, so now they DO qualify for the resurrection.

    I wonder how Jehovah keeps score?

    I would hate to have the job of editing the book of life. "Oh man, now we have to add all those names BACK IN the book of life". "You mean the ones we just finished removing from the book of life because they died during the judgement period but they were not "strong" IN THE TRUTH?"

    Jehovah must be very confused the way "The truth" keeps changing.

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